
Friday Rap

C-ya Later Slater

Can't believe the MSM has spent an entire week talking about a frickin' flight attendant who took a diva turn because he was tired of working. Good Morning America even interviewed his ex-wife...AND SHE WAS A GIRL! Who knew!

Well, lesbian relationships come in all forms these days....anyway...

Can we get back to that jobs thingey...as in no one has one...no one can find one...because Big business is playing screw the black guy in the White House and sitting on their cash rather than investing in the country...so much for all that phony compassionate conservatism...


Newt for President in 2012....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


“Black guys use it all the time. Turn on HBO and listen to a black comic, and all you hear is n****, n*****, n*****. I don't get it. If anybody without enough melanin says it, it's a horrible thing. But when black people say it, it's affectionate. It's very confusing. “-Dr. Laura

The most surprising thing about this story was the fact that Dr. Laura Schlesinger was still on the air in the first place. I thought the woman was retired like the orange juice lady, Anita Bryant who popped up a month or two ago.

Shows the right is getting desperate rolling out their old school anti-phobes to try and take over the public conversation..

John Boehner

Capital Hill's Oompa Loompa played 119 rounds of golf last year? WOW! Figured he was too busy trying to take back his country and rescue the government from those dirty Dems, while becoming Speaker of the House...

Somebody message me Boehner's handicap....I need a laugh today...


Gay marriages set to resume next week in California. Cool! If you want to be married...just do it...otherwise...nevermind..


From the" why is this news" department....Mikael Moore is Congresswoman Maxine Waters grandson..He is also her chief of staff...So what...his colleagues describe him as a smart, politically gifted workaholic...graduate of Morehouse....doing his job exceedingly well...

From what those in the article, which you can read here say, he deserves his job...

So.....why is this particular Nepotistic move news? It didn't set a precedent....I mean. there are a lot of Kennedys, Bushes, Pauls, Quayles, Cuomos, etc, etc, etc.....I could go on and on... and most people didn't know he was her grandson in the first place...



It's my birthday weekend...I've been here for six decades ya'll...damn!...living in the moment while traveling forward..still smilin' fo sho!

Jon Lucien

Pharoh Sanders

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