
Glen Beck-The Divine Miss G

Maybe we should just call him Sybil....

This week, the ex suicidal substance abuser- junkie-failed radio DJ-serial religion shopping-ex catholic-current magic underwear wearing Mormon-ADHD diagnosed-commie red hunting McCarthy lite wannabe-Mocker of all things MLK-racist for the money only-teabag pinup boy-20 million dollar a year phony conservative talk show host...

Is now apparently sliding into televangelism...I say this because the August 28th rally in DC that was originally to take back the civil rights movement from the apparently clueless Blacks who invented it and give it to its rightful “owners” the good white people of America...has now been changed....

Beck has renamed his upcoming rally the “Glen Beck Divine Destiny” Rally.

We already have enough Divines.....The Divine Sarah, Sarah Vaughn...The late drag queen Divine and the Divine Miss M., Bette Midler....

We don't need no more stinkin' Divines....They were/are Supremely talented and deserving of their Divine appellation....

Beck....well you can decide to be as Divine as you want...but what you are really is nothing than a boy in a dress.....

This is the latest description of his rally on his website:

"Glenn Beck's Divine Destiny is an eye-opening evening at the historic Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C that will help heal your soul. Guided by uplifting music, nationally-known religious figures from all faiths will unite to deliver messages reminiscent to those given during the struggles of  America's earliest days. The event will leave you with a renewed determination to look past the partisan differences and petty  problems that fill our airwaves and instead focus our shared values,  principles and strong belief that faith can play an essential role in reuniting the country."

I mean....all faiths....REALLY?....does that include Islam, too?

Glen Beck is going to save my soul on August 28th

OIC...this is KUMBYAA, Glen Beck style....He's not a Televangelist.....he is a Uniter....a Divine Uniter.....”all faiths”......”develop a renewed determination to look past partisan differences and petty problems that fill our airwaves?”

The only problems on the airwaves these days are named Beck, Limbaugh and FOX...

All he has to do to solve that problem is to shut the fuck up....



  1. Wow! Are you misguided!! Sorry I didn't use any adjectives as you so apparently love them, but I didn't think I needed any as 'misguided' says it all. Maybe you will go to this event and listen and learn - though I doubt it!

  2. As with all cowardly attacks...you choose to attack me, personally, rather than dispute the veracity of what I say...enjoy your trip to DC...
