
Random Thoughts....

Ground Zero Mosque.....no such thing....the planned community center has a space reserved for prayer...that doesn't make it a mosque...any more than having a cross with Jesus on it nailed to your living room wall makes your house a church....

No one is asking that NY forget what happened at the World Trade Center....but it is time to move on...because others died and  were lost in other places in America...

Being Christian or being Jewish...does not make you more American...than say an Islamic American or Buddhist American...or even a Scientology American....

The Constitution was written by men who believed in a higher power, but were not necessarily Christian...by today's definition...many of them in fact would be considered atheists...

They were okay with diversity.....

What you call that higher power is up to you....not mandated by the government...or the so called majority that is no more...


DISCONNECT...the word that is dominating my thoughts right now....the need to unplug....take a break....turn off....pay no attention to the man pulling the strings behind the curtain....

There is too much information.....too much misinformation....too many lies....purposeful, deceitful lies...meant only to inflame the unthinking masses.....needlessly....making people crazy.....

The 24 hour news cycle is a sham.....it's not news....it's not even good gossip in most instances...it's fill....fluff....puffed up to seem like it's important and worthy of attention...

Fluffers...otherwise called news anchors....breathlessly delivering snippets of nothing....”details as they become available” ….never heard again...because it was not really news that's fit to print or broadcast...or repeat....in the first place

The MSM is neither....conservative nor liberal....But it is bought...paid for....owned and squeezed for profit by Corporate America...

The bottom-line rules!


Walking on water......not yet....But Obama's track record in less than two years in office is beyond belief.....Combat troops are now out of Iraq....never should a been there...probably headed to Afghanistan....shouldn't be there either...

Palestine and Israel coming back to the table to talk peace...

I don't care what religion Obama espouses.....He is acting like a man of conscience, compassion and intelligence...that's all I want in a leader...

Will the so called Christians cut him some slack....probably not...remember they're the ones who are still peddling the picture of  a  light skinned, blue eyed, long haired Jesus, when the King James Bible  describes him otherwise...


Black GOP finally speaking up about the Alaskan Snow-billy...worried about her support of Dr. Laura....telling Laura to “reload”.....And the group asked Michael Steele to talk some sense into her about her diarrhea of the mouth...HAH!

Hope she chokes on it.....

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