
Mouth of Teabagger Talks

Goes on the attack against racist Black people, puts NAACP in their place...

“Here we have the Tea Party, one of the nation’s most organic, Athenian, democratic movements, being attacked by a political organization—the NAACP—that is among the most sclerotic, dinosaurian, and cadaverous of America’s political groupings.

Colored: Who the heck says that in the America of today, unless you’re a very, very old friend of the late highwayman (as in dedicated asphalt, not armed robbery) Robert C. Byrd? Which is why no member of this once-courageous black organization will spell out its full name. Everyone says, instead, “N-double A-CP”: To elongate the abbreviation is to expose oneself to derisive—or, worse, baffled—inquisition. (“Dad, Mom, what’s with the ‘colored’ thing?”)”-Tunku Varadarajan writing in The Daily Beast

Uhhhhhhh....Tunku, darling....Black people are Americans...Americans, both Black, white and other, shorten everything...not because they are ashamed...but because it is the American Way....

Hence....NCAA, or National Collegiate Athletic Association becomes....N C 2A....or Congress for Racial Equality becomes, CORE.....The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People becomes....N-A-A-C-P in old Black peoples' parlance and N double A C P in younger peoples' talk..It is a matter of speed when talking....not embarrassment...

There is a difference between writing a name and speaking a name...and that is what this really is all about...

When fake conservatives don't have a valid response, they kick up peripheral bullshit to cloud the air and sap off the energy of the people attempting to find real information and debate...

This peripheral bullshit should be ignored...but I got nothing to do today, so I'll give Mr Varadarajan a couple of minutes of my time and waste some space on another phoney intellectual...You can read him here..

There is no need to feel bad about the word “colored” ….there are worse words out there to be concerned about...

Hell, I'm colored officially according to my very American and government issued birth certificate..right there in black and white ink...written on a typewriter above the red officially embossed seal....”Colored”...parents...both “colored”....

Maybe not heard as often..as nigger...for instance...but still in rotation and heard periodically...

Instead of looking at the NAACP argument, Varadarajan proceeds to attack the organization...Dismissing the argument as a way of climbing into the headlines by being falsely hysterical...This old accusation dates all the way back to 1619...

Black people have been told since slavery that we should be beholden to white people for rescuing us from Africa....this is being resurrected today by the revisionists of which Varadarajan is one...

We should be grateful because they always take care of us and provide for us whether it be in slavery or in welfare, or in the prison system or public school system....

And any insults from lynching on down to spitting on our person is usually always a figment of our very active imagination...just like the insults and signs and guns of the Tea Party movement...

It's not racism....it's us....It's always been us.....white people good....black people bad!

According to Varadarajan, the Tea Party is an Athenian or “god-like” organization....not political like the N double A Colored People organization.

For those needing definition...Athena was a Greek God in their mythology..whenever pseudo scholars want to compliment something or someone, or bolster their bogus arguments, they compare them to the Greek and Romans gods, said to represent the highest classical attainments of white man society ignoring which continent the Greeks stole their “civilization” from...

Besides....it's Obama's fault that Black people are still suffering according to Varadarajan...the NAACP isn't attacking the real root of their problem because he is one of them...

In other words...”we has seen the enemy and it is us” so to speak...

And there in lies the big problem in America....We've got a Black man in the White House causing trouble..as Black men always do..

Got to get him out...quickly....take back our country and return “our” people to sanity...



  1. I love how the author of the teabagger rant acts as if historical memory and knowledge are evil things.

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