
So Much S***, Can't Wait for Friday

Another one Bites the Dust....

After dithering around for weeks on end building up the suspense, the twice divorced Governor of Hawaii stood tall in defending the sanctity of heterosexual marriage and vetoed the same sex marriage proposal that was wilting on her desk....

This, as a judge in Boston declares the Federal Defense of Marriage Ban...DOMA for those who like acronyms.....unconstitutional...

His reasoning...the Federal ban interferes with states rights...

And the beat goes on....doobie doobie do...the beat goes on........


Meantime...down in Loosiana...Little Bobby Jindal took time out from haranguing the Feds about the Gulf oil spill to sign a measure allowing all his good Christian buddies to carry guns in church...

I'm still trying to figure why someone who claims to be Christian needs to carry a gun in the house of their Lord...

Maybe it's so the Christian men can protect themselves from all the women pissed off because Governor Bobby also signed a measure banning insurance plans from carrying riders to pay for abortions and birth control pills for women....ya think....


The tanning tax is Reverse Racism....Huh?

Some white people are upset because they say only white people who want to look like John Boehner have to pay the tanning tax at salons and that does not afford them equal protection under the law and is therefore violating their constitutional rights....WTH?

First off.....there is NO SUCH THING AS REVERSE RACISM....DOES NOT EXIST...look up the definition of racism and get back to me.....


Repeat after me....Or for those of you who can write...take out your chalkboard and write this down....

Here are some examples of racism....... African Slave Trade (no Texas, not the Triangle Trade) Slavery...Jim Crow...White Flight....Redlining......forced to fight in wars for a country that refuses to recognize your humanity......lynching parties to prevent people from voting....hanging chads in Florida.....Stolen votes in Ohio....

Using vouchers to kill the public school system..... Teabaggers......threats of physical violence against America's first Black President and his family....openly seditious statements by right wing bloggers, radio and TV announcers and so called pundits.....carrying guns in public....

being shot 55 times as you exit a club the day before you're due to get married and having the cops who pulled the trigger be exonerated, and the one who shot and reloaded 31 of those 55 lethal bullets, sue the family of the dead man because he said he got hurt in the process of executing their loved one, who was not carrying a weapon of any kind.....

Glen Beck's “I have a scheme” fake ass rally in DC next month...his bigoted attempts to insert himself into the civil right movement of Blacks is overwhelmingly offensive and racist...

Arizona...the whole fucking state....

the refusal of the federal government to give me my 40 acres and a Volvo (don't need no damn mule) okay I'm kidding...

Nobody makes you be Black, people...Nobody makes you patronize a tanning salon...

When you're poor, you make due.....so jump into your SUV drive to Walmart...buy yourself a spray bottle...some orange dye and DIY....presto...you're an Oompa Loompa.....

Altogether now (pretend you're Sarah Jessica Parker)...SING!....”the sun a come out too morrow...bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow...there'll be sun........2 morrow! 2 morrow! I love you, 2morrow...you're only a daaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy aaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!”


Rush Lump-ass

Will some conservative please explain to me how the so called Obama manufactured recession is payback for historic white racism?

I know Obama's good...he's damned intelligent....but I'm still trying to figure out how he got this recession going on in America and he wasn't in office when the shit hit the fan...

Even if he somehow is Barack the magic negro and worked a spell on America...

My second problem is that Black people and minorities are still holding the shit end of the stick...do we look happy at how things are going in the country...Are we all employed and making 20 million dollars a year to talk stupid stuff while our collective ass grows ever larger, on the radio?

Can we afford all the hill billy heroin we want without twisting the arms of our live in maids?

Just askin'


Lady Sarah...

Don't know what to think about this woman...she's got this bestiality thing going on, always invoking analogies to huge and dangerous animals....

Now she is talking about Mama Grizzlies and how all her conservative women folk are like bears...

Last time somebody called me a bear I was ready to kick their ass....

And....does Sarah realize that a female bear is called a Sow...as in pig...

So...in effect the girl is now a self avowed pig.... so go ahead and slap on that lipstick, girl!

Ya'll need to stop talkin amongst ya selves and pick up a book....inbreeding, non diverse activity of a singular race....makes you stupid....

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