
Friday Rap

The ink ain't even dry on the parchment yet and already the orange colored peril is wiping his ass with it. Talking about John Boehner calling for repeal of the Finance Reform Law as soon as it was approved by the Senate.

Boehner even arrogantly stated that when he is Majority Leader next year, everything President Obama has accomplished will be rolled back.

Why? Because the people don't want it, he says.

What people...didn't talk to me...and last I heard there is an election coming in November.. and Boehner's seat is on the auction block...

I don't realistically expect him to lose his seat considering where his home district is located in Ohio..no minorities in his area...or women who think for themselves...so he is safe having won nomination in the primary by 85% of the GOP vote...

Personally, I'm happy Financial reform is being put in place....I'm happy Healthcare reform will mean that I can now get health insurance being one of those folks with a pre existing condition...

I like the Ledbetter equal pay act, guaranteeing that women will finally be truly compensated for their work...

I like that DADT is on its way to being repealed...and that the Hate Crimes Bill was strengthened...and that LGBT senior citizens are now being recognized as people....

I like the tax breaks going to the middle class instead of the wealthy in hopes they will trickle down jobs for those who don't have them...

I like credit card reform.....I like stem cell research.....I like that BP is being made to clean up its mess in the Gulf.....

I like the fact that President Obama is cracking down on business which ships jobs overseas...they are losing their tax breaks going forward...means corporate America must make jobs here in America for Americans...

I like that Goldman Sachs has to pay back some money in penalties for lying to the people..

I like that Financial reform means no more Bank Bailouts paid for by taxpayers.

I like the fact that the country is pulling out of Iraq and is dialing it down in Afghanistan....

That's a helluva track record after only a year and a half in office...

So, who is the Congressional Oompa Loompa talking about when he says the people are not happy? Besides teabaggers, that is...

Must be the folks who gave him $890, 321 this cycle to talk shit..

People like Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Bank of America, Home Depot, Wendys, Walmart, Walt Disney....to name a few...

You can read the top 100 list of Boehner leash handlers here...

If you live in Ohio then you will recognize the likes of American Financial (Lindner Family), Duke Energy, and Castellini (owners of the Cincinnati Reds)

Boehner officially raked in 1197 contributions of $200 or more this cycle...that's a lot of drinking money...


Run Sarah Run

Personally, I hope Palin runs for president in 2012....She of big ambitions and overwhelming arrogance is slowly revealing her desire to move into the White House...like we hadn't already seen the lights in her eyes at the possibility in 2008..

Her SarahPac is raising money like crazy. She's hired advisers to keep her feet out of her mouth when she speaks...note to adviser-guys...you're not doing a very good job....need to improve...

She's apparently made a pact with the devil in the form of Levi Johnston to make an honest woman of his baby mama, so grandma Sarah won't have to deal with any snow-billy drama come election time..

Palin's reaching out to minorities by proclaiming that her husband is interracial and therefore we should cut her some slack since she has “one” in her family, too...

In fact....she only has two problems that I can see.....She quits or runs away when it gets too hot in the kitchen...

and.....There's that “brain” thingey.....It's tough being president or running for president when space between your ears is empty...literally....

But then all those advisers she now has on staff have probably convinced her that all she needs to do is to rely on them...they will do her thinking for her..

After all...worked for eight years for Dubya, right...

Question is....what self respecting macho GOP guy is going to play Cheney to Palin's Bush?..or can she draft Todd as Vice President?

Maybe the GOP will give us the dream ticket.....Palin/Bachmann Overdrive....bitchin!.


Vonetta McGee...1945-2010

I fell in love when I saw the movie MELINDA, the crush continued through The Eiger Sanction, Blacula, The Mack...

RIP, Ms McGee


Teabagger Smackdown

Anybody who has read me knows that I have no love for the NAACP, however better late than never they finally spoke up about the teabaggers. The group may not be made up of all racists...but until the group stops allowing the Tom Tancredo's of the world to keynote their sessions and speak for them in the media...they will be labeled racists....

You are known for the company that you keep....

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