
What's Worse Than N*****

Okay, so the Tea Party Federation has expelled the much larger Tea Party Express Group because it refused to fire the bigoted Mark Williams, the guy who's been figuratively talking in black face with the likes of Abraham Lincoln, no less.

Williams was set off by the now infamous NAACP resolution calling teabaggers a racist organization, and like all bigots over-reacted big time to the resolution.

He resorted to using the term “coloreds” in his diatribe this time around, rather than the term “nigger” since he proved he couldn't spell it on his tea bag rally placard (Williams spelling-niggar)

Canning Williams and his bigoted bunch is just a start. There is still the problem of Rush, Glen, Mike, Ann, Laura, Sarah, Tom, Mitch, Michelle, Michelle...well you get the picture..

These “leaders” should also be disavowed if the Tea Party is seriously looking to eject racists and attract Blacks and other minorities...that is if you're serious about bipartisanship...which I truly doubt...

Oh, I know there is a rally in the works called Uni-Tea...catchy...it's a rally scheduled for next month to bring white teabaggers and black teabaggers together into the open air to hold hands and sing Kumbyaa for all the world to see....

But Uni-Tea seems nothing more than a tribal conversation among like minded individuals...what about reaching out...

I also have my doubts because you're not really a nebulous grass roots organization that you pretend to be either...too many corporate, right wing rich people calling the shots....Dick Armey, Lyn Cheney or Virginia Thomas ( uncle Clarence's wife) ring a bell?

And there is that other sticking point.....All this talk about “taking back your country..”

That one phrase is the most racist thing that you folks keep saying...over and over and over again...like it's true...

I can handle being called a nigger better than I handle hearing that phrase coming out of your mouth every time you open it to speak...

If you “take back your country” what about the rest of us...

Want to stop all the talk of racism.....white privilege...get others to listen to your side of the story...then drop the bullshit about it being “your country”

It ain't......never was.....never will be..

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