
Woman's Work

My mom has a saying about my dad....one of many since they've been together 59 years...this one refers to how he fixes things...

Now...he can fix anything...and I do mean anything...He is the reason that I love working on stuff...that gene comes from him and my mother's father...my granddad....

Their ability to put things back together when broken..warped my thinking about men for a long time...because I grew up thinking that all men could fix anything...just give them a screw driver, some nails and a hammer...and BAM.....fixed and functioning...

Imagine my surprise when I grew up and found that most men don't know which end of the screw driver to use.....can't tell channel locks from pliers or a socket wrench from a pipe wrench...

I was absolutely shocked when one of my best buddies pulled me aside one night after we were talking with a group of people during which I referred to a stick shift car....he didn't know what I was talking about...so he asked me privately to keep his man cred in tact...

You know what man cred is all about...appearing to know everything about anything and faking it if necessary...

Anyway....my mom has always said about my dad that he always does things twice...he fixes it...then he fixes it right....she says I'm the same way....

I disagree with that statement, since I do read the instructions first....My dad does too...but don't tell anyone because he wants to keep his man cred in tact too...

We have a whole government full of men who can't fix anything.....and refuse to read the directions, scan the public opinion polls or face the reality of which way the wind is blowing....

They've spent their entire congressional careers faking their concern for the American people as they laugh all the way to the bank, after pocketing the money thrown at them by slimy lobbyists.

Which brings me around to my topic....Maybe the men of the GOP need to step aside...while their man cred is still in one piece, albeit hanging by a thread... and let the women of the GOP take over..

I'm not talking Sarah or the Cheney siblings...I'm talking Olympia...

Olympia Snowe grabbed the reins yesterday in the Health Care Reform act....It wasn't a republican thing...it wasn't a democratic thing.....

It was a woman thing that she did, in looking out for others...

Possibly at the sacrifice of her politics.....I don't think she will lose her seat....but the good ole boys of the GOP....jealous at being disobeyed and upstaged by one of their women...will probably make her life miserable for this one vote...

I''m sure they're grumbling that she should have stayed quietly in her place ....like where they want to put Nancy Pelosi....

“How dare those women talk back to us!”

With one vote, she moved the conversation forward...closer to conclusion....It's not done yet...but it's no longer stuck in neutral.....

The process will continue to work...thanks to Olympia Snowe...who remembers why she was sent to Congress....as well as who she really works for...

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