
Cincinnati City Council Endorsements

UPDATE.....Even after writing a post, I continue to look at the issue at hand, continue to learn and to tweak my knowledge, so to speak....Sometimes....my first judgment and pronouncement is wrong....and I will admit that....

I was wrong for saying that I will vote for Kevin Flynn....I will not....Even though he is endorsed by the Charter Party....His endorsement by Right to Life made me look closer......He's just not my kind of guy...because he chooses to relegate me and other women to second class citizenship....We are not equal in the eyes of Mr Flynn when it comes to making decisions that impact our lives as human beings....

Since he won't recognize female cognitive abilities....He cannot represent me in government or anything else for that matter......

So I'm sorry......My bad.....I ain't votin' him...not never.....not no how.....

My new revised list is....

Qualls...Greg Harris.....Young....Quinlivan.....Fischer.....Bortz


The Cincinnati Enquirer has issued its endorsements for City Council and many of them are no surprise. You can read about them here.

Jeff Berding
Roxanne Qualls
Chris Bortz
Leslie Ghiz
Nickolas Hollan
Cecil Thomas
Kevin Flynn
Amy Murray
Charles Winburn

Having an endorsement from the Cincinnati Enquirer is enough to usually make me NOT want to vote for any of them, but I have to admit that this perennially right leaning poor excuse for a newspaper gets it right sometimes...

Like with Roxanne Qualls, Cecil Thomas and Kevin Flynn....

I think they were correct in not endorsing Laketa Cole and Chris Monzel...I would sideline Leslie Ghiz for the same reason as I sideline Laketa Cole...

Both show tremendous immaturity and a lack of common sense...Ghiz....Little more than a Midwestern version of Sarah Palin..exhibits little class...fewer smarts.....twittering during Council or Committee sessions is the kind of behavior that I expect from my 13 year old niece..not my city government representatives.....

Cole needs to grow up...plain and simple....taking the Black vote for granted is the height of arrogance....and the mark of a bad politician...

Charlie Winburn is anachronistic at best....On his best days...he can't think or function past the 19th century......He's the monkey wrench who would be thrown into the machinery that is slowly pulling Cincinnati kicking and screaming into the 21st century...bringing it to a grinding halt...

Chris Monzel is a white Charlie Winburn....but not as smart...

I want to see this city move forward so to the mix of Qualls, Thomas and Flynn....I would add

Wendell Young
Laurie Quinlivan
Greg Fischer
Chris Bortz
Jeff Berding
Bernadette Watson

Let me say this about Berding....I haven't liked him since he spearheaded the Stadium vote several years ago...But I respect him for sticking to his guns...... I think dissent is sometimes a good thing...I disagreed with the Democratic Party pulling his endorsement....I would rather not see him on Council and I honestly don't know if I'm gonna vote for him...but given the choices...he may wind up holding onto his seat...

Also messing up progress is Issue 9...It needs to be voted down.... COAST and their boy Chris Smitherman are insidious...and very bad for Cincinnati...Smitherman is bad for the Black Community....

Issue 9 is wrong for the City...period...

Ohio Issue 3....the casino issue is an issue whose time is now....we need the Casinos..

Mayor Mark Mallory needs to be re elected.

Regardless of who you choose....the important thing is to vote in November

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate this post so much. I'm new to the city, and this'll be the first city election i'm paying attention to (and participating in).

    I heard an NPR snippet b/t Ghiz and Cole that really got my gag reflex going. I had a notion that i didn't like Ghiz (probably b/c she wants to cut funding for school nurses and public parks...?!?) but never quite knew why. Just hearing that snippet cemented that.

    It's hard to weed through the language-- everyone seems to say the same thing re: safety, jobs, etc. Who's gonna vote against those two things? It just seems like a generic cop out.

    I have been interested in Harris, Hollan, Watson, Thomas, Quinlivian... but still want to learn more.
