
Friday Rap

So, tell me again why we're in Afghanistan and why we need to send in more troops?

How about bringing home the troops and turning Special Ops forces loose on Pakistan and what's left of Al Qaeda in the mountains along the border....

I'm sayin' let the dogs out and let em do what they been trained to do, which is kill our enemies...neutralize their followers and come home...

Let the troops who kill Bin Laden split the 25 million dollar bounty on his head..


Olympia Snowe....looks like she's gonna bail if Health Care Reform contains a public option...Word today is that the Democrats in the Senate don't need her vote....


I will say it again.....Health Care Reform WITHOUT a public option is merely another subsidy for the insurance/health industry...


Wall Street's pissed off that Obama wants to take away their bonuses and halve their salaries......They say the people are going to suffer since They can't make all the money......

I'll take my chances.....The middle class is disappearing because of all that money at the top...that is not trickling down....

We bailed them out with our taxes....they are hoarding what we gave them...refusing to lend it out and make it work for the country....

And they still want to make mega million bonuses...so they can buy yachts while the rest of the starve...

Sounds like Marie Antoinette...let them eat cake syndrome....And you know what happened to her and the other aristocrats of the era...

I say we dust off the guillotine....


A question of civil liberties..... man gets up at 5:30 in the morning....goes downstairs and makes a cup of coffee in his kitchen and gets arrested for public indecency.....He was nekkid in his own house...in his own kitchen and it was still dark outside....

Yet....a cop's wife said she was walking her kid to school and saw him...in his kitchen...drinking coffee....nekkid.......

Who's at fault here....the guy inside his house.....or the peeping tom who called police......

Happened Monday in Virginia..


The expanded Hate Crimes Bill has now passed the Senate...All Obama has to do is sign it to make it official.....Or...he can leave it on his desk for ten days and it becomes law...

either way....We win...


Note to Michael Jordan's son Marcus......Baby...it's not about you or the shoes....It was about your Dad....

Until you deserve to wear his shoes....you shouldn't.....lace up the Addidas, shut the F*** up and keep your spoiled ass in school.....


More balloon boy...stuff....

Seems Falcon and his brother mixed up a bowl of booger laced soup for their mother....I can just see me doing something like when I was young.....

My mother would have made eat every bit and then whupped my ass...all the while telling me to respect my elders or die in the process.....


Just say no......

I'm still trying to understand this sweat lodge thing where three people have now died.....I can't understand how grown people can let someone convince them to continue doing something that is obviously killing them....

This was not a Jim Jones kool aid moment when folks didn't know that the kool aid was laced with cyanide....this was adults refusing to look after themselves...bowing to the whims of yet another false prophet....

Hope they got their money back for the fiasco....

I hope the families of the dead sue the charlatan for every cent he's got...

People search and search looking for God...when the truth is that God is...and you don't need anyone else to talk for you....no middleman necessary...

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