
Issues on Cincinnati November 3rd Ballot

Issue 7- Library Issue

Our libraries need more money because of a cut in funding from the State. State statistics show that Ohio libraries are loaning more videos and DVD movies than books, leading some critics to call them Blockbuster juniors.

Tom Brinkman is a critic...he is a founder of COAST...the anti everything people who want to destroy Cincinnati....In addition to killing public light rail...he wants to kill the libraries, too.

They won't shut down in his neighborhood, but they will be shutdown in mine...if the levy fails...

I live in Avondale, where state stats show that most people borrowing from the library are borrowing movies instead of books. In fact, most of the libraries that show this trend are lower income, urban neighborhoods with smaller libraries.

Regardless of what they may take home, I am not in favor of closing libraries, which is what will happen if this levy does not pass.

I spend time in my local library and it is always filled with young people, who may not be checking out books...However they are sitting there, reading and discussing books or doing homework in a quiet and drama free atmosphere...

For many of them this is the location of the only computer to which they have access...

And it's like that every time I go, no matter what day I go. Because of the internet, I rarely check out books either these days......I sometimes take my laptop to the library just to work...

I don't know the kids there, but they are fascinated seeing me write and will approach me to ask questions about what I do and what they are reading...Usually the questions concern..pronunciation of a word in a book or on its cover....like “chrysanthemum.”

It is a safe haven for these youngsters trying to make sense of the chaos in which they live...The libraries have already been forced to cut hours...

Completely shutting their doors would be a travesty....

Issue 7 needs to pass


Issue 3- Casino in Cincinnati

Issue 3 is one of those issues that is going to come down to who shows up at the polls to vote. Well, this is no time to support the issue and not take the time to vote for the issue...Casinos and gambling have been voted down six times prior to this....

It is one of those issues where opponents are again attempting to legislate morality...people are going to gamble....whether they do it in state or out....

Because of Ohio's financial situation....they should gamble closer to home...Keep the money and jobs in Cincinnati and Ohio..

Issue 3 needs to pass


Issue 9-Restriction on Light Rail

Issue 9 Hamstrings the city of Cincinnati. It is not just a matter of taking an issue to the people for a vote. It is a blatant attempt to block progress in the city and keep it in the dark ages.

Issue 9 is being sold as a way to keep City Council from arrogantly going against the will of the people and passing a plan to build a budget busting street car system that benefits only a few people downtown...

The proponents of issue 9 says these types of things should be put before the voters...because that what you do in a democracy....

Word to the people....America is not a democracy...it is a Republic....where the people elect people to look at the issues and handle them for us....We already have a way to handle out of control officials...we vote them out of office...

Issue 9 is flim flam from flim flam artists who egotistically think they are smarter than the rest of us..

The truth of the matter is the creators of Issue 9 have written a convoluted amendment that will block all attempts at putting light rail anywhere in the area...

Obama has already said he wants to build bullet trains like they have in Europe and Asia..Issue 9 would prevent this in Cincinnati....

We would be left out of the loop......in a similar fashion as when then Mayor Roxanne Qualls went to Europe to bring restaurants to Cincinnati....and because of the backwardness of this city...the restaurants ended up in Covington and Newport after she left office....

Northern Kentucky continues to benefit from the neanderthal thinking of many in this city..such as those opposed to light rail....

And I'm sure if Cincinnati drops the ball again....Northern Kentucky will figure out a way to pick it up....

Issue 9 should be voted down..


Issue 8-Cincinnati Water

This issue is yet another badly written proposed amendment brought to you by the backward looking cabal of COAST and it's boy Chris Smitherman and his gang of mini me's...

This issue is another attempt to micromanage the system.....Again...America is a republic...not a democracy....and in a republic...we elect officials to handle the issues....We vote for the officials...we have public hearings to tell them how we want to vote.....

This issue is not about privatizing the water...it is about hamstringing our legally elected officials..

Make no mistake about it.....I am totally against privatizing water.....and will happily lead the march on City Hall...if they ever consider it.......

But this issue is something else....it is not what was sold to the people who signed the petitions....

They lied to the petition signers...they....meaning COAST and the NAACP are attempting to manipulate voters...

This is another one that will come down to who shows up at the polls....

If COAST and company wanted to do something positive...they would have written an amendment that honestly states what it does....in other words....they should have written....” ban privatizing water in Cincinnati”......simple.....no confusion....

Issue 8 needs to be voted down...


State Issue 2-Livestock Board

After reading this issue it looks as if Big Agra is attempting a coup...trying to take over the livestock control in Ohio....Their supporters are trying to create a board to control farming and farm animals in Ohio...

Most other states are moving in the opposite direction....

We are living through an economic situation, wholly created by corporate America and their bought and paid for politicians who allow the corporations to Self Regulate....meaning they operate with no control or anyone looking over their shoulder...

Issue 2 is setting up yet another useless board of paid bureaucrats that looks like its doing something when in actuality it is just another puppet organization of Big business..

Issue 2 should be voted down..

Issue 6- Union Terminal

This is an issue to maintain the Union Terminal...Cincinnati needs to keep this building in good repair...
It can never be rebuilt....so it should be taken care of....doing repairs as needed..

Issue 6 should be approved

Issue 5- MRDD

This is a renewal to continue funding the county to enable it to keep helping the mentally and developmentally challenged residents become more self sufficient..

Issue 5 should be approved.


Whatever you decide....you should vote on November 3rd....

UPDATE.....Even after writing a post, I continue to look at the issue at hand, continue to learn and to tweak my knowledge, so to speak....Sometimes....my first judgment and pronouncement is wrong....and I will admit that.... I was wrong for saying that I will vote for Kevin Flynn...

I will not....Even though he is endorsed by the Charter Party....His endorsement by Right to Life made me look closer......He's just not my kind of guy...because he chooses to relegate me and other women to second class citizenship....We are not equal in the eyes of Mr Flynn when it comes to making decisions that impact our lives as human beings....

Since he won't recognize female cognitive abilities....He cannot represent me in government or anything else for that matter...... So I'm sorry......My bad.....I ain't votin' him...not never.....not nohow.....

My new revised list is...


and Greg Harris



  1. I don't think Issue 2 is intended as a power grab. It could be used as one, of course. It is really an attempt to fend off a potential referendum promoted by out of state interests with radical agendas. In California, the Humane Society of the United States (not affiliated with any humane society or any governmental body) used deceptive propaganda to pass an animal rights proposition. A CA judge, condemning government by referendum, noted that in one election chickens gained rights while gay humans lost rights.
    HSUS has it's eyes on Ohio & it's large urban populations that are unaware of farm life, factory or otherwise.
    That is why Issue 2 is proposed - to stop radical animal rights groups from crippling Ohio's farming community. The power grab argument has been conjured up by the animal rights folks.
    Still, I don't think we need the board. People should vote with their pocket books & buy eggs & pork from the producer of their choice.

  2. We agree on the bottom line...another useless board..when there are other and better solutions...

    as always you make me think...thank you

  3. In regards to Issue 7:

    The Library already needed this funding BEFORE the proposed statewide budget cuts were announced.

    When statewide cuts go into effect, there will be problems regardless as to whether this levy passes or fails...

    We are the only library in Ohio that does not use ANY public money to run our libraries. We have a history of being one of the best / busiest metro. libraries in the country. It's time for the public to pay the price for great service!!!!
