
Cincinnati Race for Mayor

Avondale the Forgotten Territory

“This week, Wenstrup's campaign blanketed Cincinnati with two mailings - one that goes after Mallory for his many trips around the country and the world and another that challenges Mallory's assertion that Cincinnati is a safer city than it was when he took office nearly four years ago. “

Blanketed Cincinnati with two mailings....Really?!

I live in Cincinnati...I wasn't blanketed....Okay maybe my mail person took one day off...it happens...

Or maybe the “blanket” came on the day the mail guy who is afraid of my dogs and won't deliver when he hears them bark from inside my house, was working....He apparently thinks my dogs can unbolt two locks, as well as unchain the screen door to get to him on the porch...

that would explain missing one of the “blanket mailings.”

However...I don't think the mail person took both days off...and I missed BOTH mailings...I know the Post Office is cutting back.

But missing two mailings.....Hmmmmmmmmmmm....Don't think so...

You know what....it's me....My bad...

I keep forgetting.....I live in Avondale....and many, many people down at City Hall, as well as many of those who want to be at City Hall...

Refuse to acknowledge that Avondale is a part of Cincinnati...

Oh, they remember us when talking about crime in the city. And how dangerous it is to live in Cincinnati despite national statistics to the contrary.....or when they need to prove to the Feds that there are Black people living in Cincinnati...we're good at bolstering their Census cred...

And we have plenty of baby mamas to draw all the federal funds they need to fill their coffers on Plum Street.

But asking us to vote them into office...coming onto our turf to find out what we Avondale residents may be thinking....nah!

You'd think a trip down Reading Road, over Gilbert Avenue or up Victory Parkway, was like traversing a dangerous foreign country....like Over the Rhine...or the West End....

The last time I saw a politician on my door step was a Black guy asking me to vote for Steve Chabot..

I know a lot of political mailing is going on....I get stuff from Qualls...I get stuff from Winburn...I get stuff from Harris...and Mallory.....and Crowley....and even Ted Strickland.....

But Brad Wenstrup.....If I hadn't taken a bus trip through Pleasant Ridge a few days ago and seen the yard signs....I would not have known that Mallory was being challenged for his seat..

But seriously Dr. Wenstrup...If you're running for mayor...you need to understand that you will represent all of us if elected...not just the westside and some of the neighborhoods on the east side....like Hyde Park, East Walnut Hills, or Mt. Adams...

Cincinnati is a very diverse city and really not as dangerous as you would believe...or have the rest of the world believe....

You would know that...if you really had the courage to campaign as a man who really, really wants to represent all of us residents of the Queen City...

C-ya on election day!

1 comment:

  1. i like how he said that he felt safer serving in iraq than he did living in cincinnati.
