
Sellin' Wolf Tickets...

Old ghetto saying.....”don't let your mouth get your ass in trouble!”

Insurance companies say they will raise rates if health care reform passes...

The big health care companies say they will be forced to hike rates if the Obama Administration pushes through health care reform for citizens.

Do we need anymore arguments in favor of a public option? Sounds to me like they are calling our bluff.

Here is what they are saying

It's kind of like that scene in the movie the Ten Commandments where Moses played by Charleton Heston is in the throne room talking to his pretend brother Ramses played in all his bald sexy splendor by Yul Brenner.....Where Moses tells Ramses the next curse to reign down on Egypt will come from Ramses lips....and Ramses struts and fumes and parades his half naked self around and tells Moses, to get the f*** out of his house or he is gonna kill him for real....

Moses says okay and saunters out the door to go to his mother's house to drink wine, and eat bitter herbs and unleaven bread...thereby creating the Passover observance....Ramses still cussing and still not listening to what his pretend brother had just told him...tells his generals to go kill all the first born Hebrew babies and thereby seals the fate of his own son....

Big insurance isn't listening.....they still think they can run game on us....threaten us with higher premiums....telling us.....we will have to pay more money for their shitty service....those of you who can afford their shitty service......I'm one of those they won't insure....

They would have us believe that if the government sets up competition....in other words....gives citizens another option...that the competition will force them into a rate hike....I thought competition always drove down prices....not up....but then again...the GOP has spent the last 9 years telling the American people that up was down, round was flat, black was white and so forth and so on....I guess the insurance companies must be thinking...well it worked for them....no it didn't.....

We must all collectively have “STUPID” stenciled on our foreheads...Just ask the grocery stores...are people buying the really expensive name brands these days.....or are they buying the just as good store brand generic........hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

Let the Insurance Industry go ahead and raise its rates after health reform becomes law....Even Republicans and wingnuts fighting tooth and nail against health care won't stay with an insurance company that raises its rates, and the government has a public option in place...

You know it's true.....don't believe me....how many Congressmen are giving back their government health plans now...fearing we're drifting into “socialism” as they say....

How many wingnuts do you see talking about tearing up their medicare/medicaid government health care or resigning from the government program to help out the insurance giants by signing up for their programs.....


And who gives a rat's ass if no GOP member of Congress refuses to sign onto the bill....I don't...

Public Option is the only option...anything less is merely a subsidy for the Insurance Industry..


Take the age limits off medicare....then there is no need for insurance companies at all...and everyone has insurance.....

Easy...problem solved...

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