
Bible Study

To quote one of Sarah Palin's favorite passages from her Bible...”When the Lord shuts a door....he opens a window somewhere else..” She used that phrase as part of her justification for abandoning her governorship.

It is an apt description of Obama's week as well...

Just a few days ago, the rabid right was celebrating Chicago's loss of the 2016 Olympic games despite the best efforts of America's holy trinity of BO, MO and O....

The Big 3 got what was coming to them...put back in their place, where uppity folks belong...they crowed...

But then comes Friday and Obama is awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace...to everyone's surprise..

Lord may have slammed the door shut on Saturday...but threw open the window on Friday and yelled...”let's get some air in here...it stinks!”

Crazies went apoplectic with anger. No matter what happens, it seems the man always manages to come up smelling like rose...

they griped and ranted and fumed and fussed....

But Karma is, what it is.... and the rule is simple.....you get what you give....

If you give out hate and anger and dishonesty and hypocrisy....you will receive hate, and anger and dishonesty and hypocrisy in return....

It's not climate change....it's Karma...a universal law...In Sarah's Bible the phrase is....”What goes around....comes around.”

Maybe these alleged christian conservative patriots in name only...should do more Bible study..they might come to understand what is happening in the world...

I can think of another phrase in their Bible.....something about....

the meek shall inherit the earth..

But will that come before, or after he throws the heretics out of the temple....

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