
Cincinnati Street Car Facts...We Need This!

Take two minutes and watch....


  1. Wow. I think this marks the first time we've ever been on opposite sides of an issue. I am patently against the streetcars, especially in lieu of laying off CPD. Not that I have a lot of love for CPD but I'd rather them have their jobs than the streetcar.

    I also don't like the idea of yet another public building project that Council promises they won't have to fund, yet will end up shelling out more tax dollars for in the long run.

    I like the video and the fact that you support it gives me pause...but I'm not convinced.

  2. This is a late comment, that may never be seen, but to "thatdeborahgirl" Keep in mind that whether Cincinnati builds a streetcar or not will have absolutely no effect on CPD jobs. The streetcar will be funded by totally separate pools of money that can never be used to pay police officers.
    Additionally, a modern day, urban rail transportation system like the streetcar will boost Cincinnati's ability to attract and retain new residents and businesses which will in turn give the city increased tax revenue that CAN be used to pay police officers. So, if you really want to see CPD keep their jobs, supporting the streetcar would actually be a good way of insuring future success.
