
Friday Rap

You may not know the name Floyd Brown, but I guarantee that you know his work...

This is the GOP dirty trickster who created the virulently racist Willie Horton Campaign that tanked the Presidential aspirations of Mike Dukakis, back in the day..

Now this fool has Obama in his sights saying he should be impeached because he harbors “malevolence toward the United States of America”

According to Brown....this satisfies the “high crimes and misdemeanors” clause as written into the Constitution by the Founding Fathers...


The last time I looked...that clause referred to criminal activity...A crime committed, in other words..like...oh...lying to the American people about going to war against another country....or...giving all your business buddies no bid multi billion dollar contracts to literally rape the country and treat it like their own personal piggyback....while young soldiers.....children of your supporters, by the way... give their lives defending an illegal police action......while your own offspring flaunt their specialness...just because they can....

Oh No....says Brown...The Founding Fathers meant that phrase to mean....gross incompetence...negligence and distasteful behavior....on the part of the President as grounds for removing him from office....

In Ghettoese...Brown is saying the nigra in the White House is pissing us off and we want him gone...by any means necessary...


Speaking of revisions....Have you heard that a conservative group has formed to rewrite the Bible to make it less liberal? Less liberal?

Does that mean that me and my kind are going to be fitted for leg irons and shackles in the near future?

Wonder if they're going to consult with Mel Gibson on this...


Meantime....down in the Great State of Texas....you know where they want to secede from the Union, again....

They meant it too....All of their congressmen voted against the stimulus...Their governor said he wasn't going to take the money.....but that was before his mansion burned down...

He's already quietly asked for funds to rebuild his house...

Now comes word that the Texas Congressmen....all of em...have gone shuffling with hat in hand to the White House to quietly ask for some money... you know...to tide them over until payday...

You how it is....um hmmmmmmm!


Katrina...Katrina...Katrina....still working people's nerves down in Louisiana...

One parish down there is taking advantage of the situation to make sure all their Black residents don't come back....

First off..they're not helping Black and Jewish folks rebuild their homes...

And to keep them from moving back and renting until they can rebuild their houses....The city fathers passed an ordinance that says you can't rent property...houses or apartments to anyone who is NOT RELATED TO YOU BY BLOOD...

The parish is 85% white.....

And, this parish is also not allowing anyone to rebuild multi family units inside the parish, either...

But it ain't about race.....just like those cops on the bridge shooting at Blacks to keep them from crossing the bridge and away from danger of the hurricane...ain't about race...no sir!

This parish has some big named friends, who are helping it to rebuild.....I hope somebody who knows somebody who can pull Oprah's and Alice Walker's coat tails...and hip them to what's going down inside their latest little charity project...


Oklahoma....has a new law set to take effect on November 1th....This law is going to put personal information about any woman who has had an abortion in this state online....

The law requires Doctors to publicly post the following information...

  1. Date of abortion
    2) County in which abortion is performed
    3) Age of mother
    4) Marital status of mother
    5) Race of mother
    6) Years of education of mother
    7) State or foreign country of residence of mother
    8) Total number of previous pregnancies of the mother

This is intimidation...plain and simple....There is no law in this country that demeans men in the way this law demeans women....

This goes hand in hand with insurance company policies that view pregnancy as a pre-existing condition for denying coverage...

This while offering to drive guys to the pharmacy so they can buy their little viagra pills, so the old farts can have sex with their 19 year old girlfriends...


GOP lawmakers showed their colors today when they voted in lockstep against a must have defense bill to supply the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan...

The measure had an amendment expanding the national hate crimes law to protect the LGBT community...

The GOP would rather gay bash, then fund the troops fighting their war...

The bill passed...by the way..no thanks to the GOP


Note to City Council Person...Laketa Cole...

I like my governmental representatives to display some common sense once in a while... I know you didn't pay for it...talking about the far away conference on the big island of Hawaii, this week.....

But that is not the point of this rant......Hawaii and that upcoming trip to Asia....can wait until after the election...

How arrogant to assume that the Black community is going to support you regardless of how you disregard us by leaving three weeks before a very important election..

Especially when the city is in such a financial crisis and you are chairman of the finance committee..

and your unions are pissed off...

How arrogant to assume that you have us in your back pocket to bail your ass out again....

You owe Cincinnati an apology for your blatant lack of smarts and shoddy behavior...

Perception is Reality...Ms Cole....Perception is Reality

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