
A Sunday Fruit Salad

A little this... A little that to greet Summer Solstice......

A rich guy with Tourette's..

is one of the people funding the fight against marriage equality...

He had problems with his parents...so he takes it out on the rest of us by paying for hate campaigns..

So how to do you continue to hate parents who died 44 years ago and left you 300 million dollars...

This guy, Howard Ahmanson, contributed nearly a million dollars to defeat Prop 8..

he is a disciple of a religious zealot who advocates putting America under the jurisdiction of a theocratic commission..

Which among other things mandates that people be stoned to death for being homosexual...


Juneteenth Celebrations..

Happening all across America....What Juneteenth is not...is the day that slavery ended in America as I heard one clueless newscaster say this morning... The Emancipation Proclamation became law on January 1, 1863..

Juneteenth celebrates the day that Texas slaves found out they were free....on June 19, 1865...two years late because Texas plantation owners refused to tell them....

and since there was no Twitter back in the day...it took em a while to find out...


Pass me the Sports section, please....

The US Open is in progress at Bethpage Black, as we speak....Tiger was the preemptive favorite going in...But he's having one of those tournaments where at least this week...I can beat him...

The talking heads are beginning to count him out...

Too Stoopid....Can't count Tiger out til the final putt goes down on 18 on the last day....
Wimbledon getting ready to fire up...

Nadal's out....Federer will win....

So will a Williams sister....Just think it will be Serena this time...

Even though the Wimbledon trophy is officially named “The Venus Trophy”....not after Venus Williams..it's had that name since it was created...

Venus Williams fulfills her destiny by claiming it more often than not..

Give me a break, please....

Now the critics are ticked off because the Obama's are allowing pop culture in the White House instead of doing stodgy and boring formal state dinners....

Damned if they do....damned if they don't....

Like it or not.....we have a real Christian in the White House...not one of the fake born again variety...

We have a man who dates his wife...not put his mistress on the payroll at double the going rate.....

A man who makes time for his kids...Not let them run wild

A man who seemingly lives the rest of his life as if he really, really pays attention when he goes to church....

Father's Day

I am blessed with coming from a two parent home....My dad turns 81 in a couple of weeks...my mom reached 79 back in January...They're will celebrate 59 years of marriage in a couple of months...

My Mom has always been the rock.....My Dad....well all you have to do is pick up the phone and say..

“ Hey Dad, I need some help...”

Knowing that his help meant he would literally take over the project, making you the assistant....

Don't get me wrong...We ain't the Cleavers ...we are as dysfunctional as every other American family..but still...there was and there still is...some good stuff going on...

On this day....I choose to think about the good stuff...

watching him Box on television, when I was four....he was a professional light heavyweight...32-2 before he quit...his knees gave out....he retired...

he said he quit because he was “too pretty to stand there and get hit”...My dad boxed dancing on his toes before Muhammed Ali...never flatfooted...

learning how to work on cars despite my gender....he taught me....and even today, I'm better at it then most guys I know...

Getting up before dawn to pick up our grandmother and go fishing at Lake Chetaq or the Doctor's lake..

Hearing from other people...how proud my Dad was because I was the morning anchor on the TV newscast....

Happy Father's Day...Daddy..

1 comment:

  1. No twitter back then. Ha! I like it.

    And all families have some level of dysfunction. The dysfunction is what caused my family to function. And provided for some really good times.
