
Friday Rap

Healthcare Reform

While Americans are clammering for reform of a totally screwed up system, Obama's real enemies on healthcare seem to be within his own party. Dismiss the GOP..they can't do anything, really...

However....The Democrats who are working against the President's proposal for a public option...Tom Daschle...you should be ashamed...

Kind of a good thing he washed out of consideration for Obama's Health Care Czar..

His money ties to big insurance and health industry giants show they mean more to him than helping the people..


Why We Need Healthcare Reform

The House Subcommittee on Oversight Investigations held hearings this week on the healthcare industry's policy of recission...

Recission happens when the insurance company cancels a policy...supposedly for fraud...

However...Insurance giants also use it to boost the bottom line...They do this by canceling policies of the very sick and most in need of help...

In order to keep from paying huge medical bills...even though the families affected religiously pay their premiums on time...The companies refuse to pay...flat out....

Wellpoint, Inc....United Health....and Assurant are the three biggest companies in America...

And when asked if they would halt the practice...

They told the Congressmen....Hell No!

The cluelessness in the room from the insurance industry harkened back to that which was exhibited by the big three automaker CEOs who flew into their congressional hearings on private jets costing hundreds of thousands of dollars...

These three companies canceled 20,000 very sick people to keep from paying 300-million dollars in medical costs...and they rewarded with bonuses the employees who did the canceling...

These companies specifically target women with breast cancer s, lymphoma sufferers as well as a 1000 other conditions.....

We really do need health care reform....


Put Away the Manolos Ladies

What's up with high powered women falling all over DC. First Sonia Sotmayor..who breaks an ankle...now Hilary..who shatters her elbow and needs surgery...

Ladies...it's time to either slow your stroll....or go back to comfortable shoes while walking...

Think about all those high powered female execs in Chicago and New York....

They wear Nikes on the street or when they need to speed walk, and change into the Manolos in the office..

It's safer...........


Too Casual Friday

The city of Orlando wants people to start using deodorant and wearing underwear when they come to work...seems casual friday as well as other days have gotten out of control, apparently..

The lone vote against the new code was the mayor...who says wearing underwear...or not...is a matter of freedom of choice....



The president of PETA needs some diversion in his life....a new boyfriend maybe...
Any bug...fly, mosquito or otherwise that makes it near me...on my body...flying around my head can prepare to meet its maker...

PETA has way too much time on its hands....


Shout Out to Ashanti

Who is appearing in The Wiz....baby....There are some shoes that cannot filled....Chaka Khan, Gladys Knight, Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughn, and Stephanie Mills to name a few...

Ya just can't...

When these women step out of their shoes...throw them away because nobody else will ever be able to wear them.....



Slavery Apology

The Senate has formulated its own apology for the damage done to Blacks by two and a half centuries of slavery in this country...

The Senate Bill now must be reconciled to the one the House passed last year....

No reparations..in fact the bill was crafted with language to prevent future lawsuits seeking payment.

What will this apology do.....

Not a damn thing for those of us who are here....However, it will be good for those yet to be born..

So...Thank you, I guess...

I'm sure those who still suffer from Plantation mentality will celebrate and joyously jig for their masters...

Recently found a good definition of PM...

Plantation mentality: enslaved Blacks who have inherited, internalized, expressed and acted based on a perspective or deference that was most acceptable to those that dominated their view of reality — particularly exhibited by early African American generations recently freed by plantation masters, and sometimes exhibited by some among latter generations of the global Black diaspora.
Dennis Moore — Publisher

thank you Dennis for that definition...He was referring to Shelby Steele....

I can name a few others.....Thomas....Keys.....Blackwell....That fool in California who hates affirmative action....and all those young Black GOP talking heads who have no clue...have grown up privileged and untouched by their Blackness...historical or otherwise..

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