
DINOs (Democrats in Name Only)

Fake Democrats working to sabotage Health Care

There are several old timer phrases that will fit what's going with the Democrats and Health Care reform in Congress......

“Give them a minute and they will figure out a way to screw it up..”
“Democrats, always ready, willing and able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory..”

That last phrase was used a lot in the past election...because even when it became obvious that Obama was going to win...Democrats were as always, their own worst enemies...

Today with health care reform...it's SOSDD...same old shit different day....

Every single poll out there says the people want health care, they need health care, they understand the health care issues being presented...

Yet, fake democrats, who are very well covered with Congressional health benefits, which we pay for, are working to sabotage the worker's health care reform, by watering down various proposals or talking against the public option...

These fools work for us..and it is time to call them on it....

Or maybe they don't really work for us....just because we elected them....So the question becomes..

Who is paying them...which insurance company is bankrolling the fake democrat's kids college education?

Who paid for the last vacation taken by the Congressman and his family or current mistress?

Who does the Congressman play golf with when he's not ducking votes on the floor in the Capital?

Which Big Pharmaceutical company employes which Congressman's kid as a consultant?

From what's been in the news lately, seems these fake democrats....starting with Tom Daschle, who we already know is bought and paid for....are attempting to kill the public option of the reform...

They say many things...It is socialism....it costs too much....it's not good for the people....

The truth is.....

Anything good for the people is labeled socialism these days...by idiots who don't even know what socialism actually is....somebody told them something in 7th grade government class and they've been running with it ever since..

Costs too much....yes, it will cost a lot...but it still won't cost what Bush's last round of tax cuts cost...

It's not good for the people.....In whose world?

The only people who don't stand to benefit are the health insurance companies, Big Pharmaceutical, and their fake ass political puppets who have been screwing us for years....collecting billions of dollars off our backs...

Count the kickback money paid by big Pharma to their Congressional puppets and the country could probably put forth a free health care system that nobody would have to pay for...

What is making me really steamed is these guys are hiding....They are refusing to talk about what it is they are trying to do...

If what they are doing is right....Then come forward and tell us about it...

They don't give a damn about the people who put them in office......

And isn't Congress Democratically controlled...the last time I looked the man in the White House is also a Democrat.....

Then what is the problem....are we still worried about phony bipartisan participation...are we worried about hurting GOP feelings if we don't include them in the decision making?

Michael Steele is trying to take the GOP hip hop...that means he wants to play by street rules...Okay..That means he has taken his boys to the mattresses and he will understand.....

In street rules....it's “us versus them”......

In other words.......”F*** the insurance companies....F*** Big Pharma......


F*** any Democrat who dares to stand in the way of health care reform with a public option..

In the street....if you have to choose between me and mine and you and yours...

It's always going to be me and mine...which is the way fake democrats are playing it with us, for years, by the way...

So they will understand when and if we decide to take them out, if they disappoint us again...

This is war...and if they want war....they got it...

It's time for Obama to turn into Nino Brown and put his Bill Cosby back in the closet.

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