
Justice Thomas Stands Alone

Lone Dissenter on Supreme Court Ruling on Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Why am I not surprised...

The Supreme Court rules 8-1 to uphold a section of the Voting Rights Act, that would have literally torn the heart out of the law, if the vote had gone the other way....

Uncle er, Justice Thomas was able to remove his nose from Justice Scalia's nether regions long enough to seemingly form an opinion of his own....It was the wrong opinion...but it was apparently an independent one since Scalia voted with the majority...

You can read the Thomas Opinion here...

What I am understanding is that Thomas dissented because he feels that the law oversteps its bounds, bordering on unconstitutional when it comes to dealing with violence against Blacks who try to vote in elections.

According to Thomas....Jim Crow violence doesn't happen anymore....Any problems that arise are for the states to handle and the US Government should stay out of it...


I guess....the hanging chads in Florida were the product of my imagination...

I guess the Supco ruling giving Dubya the White House was a product of my imagination...

I guess....Blackwell's repeated attempts to steal the election for George Bush the younger are a product of my imagination....

I guess that republican in California who was changing minority votes this past election, in order to trick them into supporting John McCain, were a product of my imagination...

I guess the GOP intimidation of new voters in Ohio in this past election are a product of my imagination...

I guess the ongoing persecution of ACORN and its voter registration of minorities is a product of my imagination...

Jim Crow violence doesn't happen anymore...huh?

Then that guy who got dragged in Texas, must have tied himself to back of that pick up truck...

And those nooses that mysteriously appeared on the office door of the college professor at Princeton, I believe...she must have defaced that door herself...

What about the kids in Jena....did they hang those nooses from the tree in the school yard?

The ruling by the Supreme Court, today sidesteps the bigger issue....Many people think the Voting Rights Act of 1965 has outlived its usefulness since we, as a nation, elected Barack Obama to the White House...

I disagree with that and I point to the evidence of those states who have repealed affirmative action.....

Since some states have done that....their schools and universities have returned to being bastions for white kids...

Check it out....

Gutting of the Voting Rights Act....would accomplish the same sort of backwardness....


  1. Every since I first heard of Justice Thomas ' vote this afternoon, I've been shaking my head. What is up with this guy? What is he trying to prove? Is he trying to position himself as the most conservative voice on the court?

    He hasn't really made sense the whole of his time on the court. However, at this time he really doesn't make sense. Even Scalia left him hanging this time.

  2. The man seems to live in a self created vaccuum. His entire world and ours revolves around him. Nothing else matters to him except him, his thoughts, feelings and perceived slights.

    A thoroughly unpleasant human being, who unfortunately has enough power to make his disdain for us felt on a very high level.

    He is too myopic to see the damage that he does living his life the way he does..
