
Friday Rap

So If I understand the GOP conservatives ranting about Obama’s choice for the Supreme Court...

All of the White Men Chosen by the other white men who occupied the White House...were selected for the High Court solely based on their qualifications and no other reason...


The Women on the Court....The Blacks on the Court and the nominees chosen by the Black man in the White House are selected only because of their color and gender....not because of their qualifications or measurably high intelligence for doing the job...

So this must mean.....

That only White men are qualified?! Intelligent enough?! Temperamentally suited to be nominated for high court or other high office in America....

In whose world?

The self proclaimed masters of the universe have collectively lost their fuckin’ minds..

All pretense has been kicked to the curb...

they are revealed for what they are and what every minority in this country has known our entire life.....the GOP is made up of bigoted, racist men who hate everybody who isn’t white and doesn’t have a natural dick...

whether it functions naturally or not....

Women...white, black or otherwise are for having babies...

whites for making more masters..........

Black women and otherwise women...for making babies for fun that they don’t have to support or acknowledge....unless they get caught after the fact...

then they say "yeah" I’m her daddy...all that segregationist talk was just talk...I didn’t really mean it....Does this mean I can still go to heaven when I die?"

Boys...young and nubile are for sex and discard, when the sex is over....again acknowledged after they get caught...."but I’m not gay....I’m just confused..."

Their offspring...allowed to flaunt their homosexuality covered by the privilege of wealth and Daddy’s power...While Daddy relegates the rest of us to second class citizenship...


Following in Daddy’s footsteps of multiple Military deferments while others go to war...

Our offspring....targeted to fight and die in illegal wars.....4500 troops....and who knows how many suicides did not have to die.....totally unnecessary deaths of kids who could have been doing other things like...living and raising their own kids....

I could go farther...but I’m pissed...too pissed to pursue this dangerous line of thought..so I will move on...


What can I say about a young black cop, cut down in the prime of life by another cop..a white man...who rather than ask a simple questions...opened fire...

It’s in the Daily News today.....The rookie cop was off duty...saw a carjacking....chased the suspect with his service revolver in hand in Harlem....

Three undercover cops saw the one man chasing another.... The three Id’ed themselves as the rookie turned toward them...one cop opened fire...got off six rounds...killed the rookie cop before he was able to ID himself.......

Isn’t it funny how this story did not make national news on the morning shows today?


Or that blonde bitch who went to Disneyland after stealing a million dollars from her employer...tried to cover by claiming to be jacked by two black men in a cadillac....

Still think we live in a post racial world.............Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

1 comment:

  1. Post is concise and right to the point. Affirmative action is the most useful of the rights ploys. It covers a myriad of ills and gets the base (white males) fired up. But no one has commented on how implicitly racist the charge of affirmative action is. It insinuates that, as you stated, only whites are qualified; everyone else is simply there to meet some quota.
