
Real Domestic Terrorism

The killing of Dr. George Tiller

Let’s call it what it is......Domestic Terrorism......

This was not a group of people duped by phony FBI informants into playing terrorists for the benefit of the cameras, and microphones of the main stream media...

This is the real deal in America.....

A man with a gun and a perverted determination to use it...in order to enforce his messed up view of the world....

Most assuredly calls himself....pro life.....Bet he’s also....pro death penalty...pro war... and pro torture.....anti women...anti birth control....anti immigration...

But I’ll bet my next paycheck he thinks of himself as a patriot...and

Probably labels himself Christian....despite never having cracked open King James..let alone read it...

Dr. George Tiller died today doing his job and helping women...He was a good man and the very definition of Christian.....

May he rest in peace...

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