
Another Crack in the Ole White Guy System

The Karmic corrections to the old white guy system of governance have come fast and furious this past week....

President Obama elevated a Black man, Charles F. Bolden Jr, to head NASA....He’s piloted the shuttle several times in the past....

Then a Black woman, Ursula Burns was tapped to run Fortune 500 company, Xerox....

Then Obama comes back again and nominates Judge Sonia Sotomayor to replace Justice David Souter on the United States Supreme Court..

She is Latina and the first to get the nomination....

This morning I listened as James Carville "debated" Ann Coulter about the nomination. It was little more than a snipe fest between two people who make their living playing a vanilla version of the dozens on television before a semi comatose audience.

During this pseudo-debate Coulter wondered aloud what the big deal was about Sotomayor being a Latina given the fact that the GOP already had appointed Latinos and Blacks to high office....

She failed to mention Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales by name....However she did mention Justice Clarence Thomas....

Failing to mention Gonzales points to the fact that even Republicans are embarrassed by this guy....

Otherwise Coulter would have jumped at the chance to bring him into the conversation...

And as for Thomas.....Bush’s third choice after the first two failed to pass confirmation....the man who stands firmly in the shadow of Justice Thurgood Marshall and has yet to offer so much as a thought without Justice Scalia’s approval......

Coulter should not have bothered to go there either since Thomas has lived his entire life hating the fact that he was born Black and demonstrates his self hate on every one of those very rare occasions where he opens his mouth to speak........

Thomas is not a source of pride for Blacks because he doesn’t see himself as Black...and neither do we....

I hope that Sotomayor gets a swift Congressional approval, she’s earned it.


Prop 8 Stands

As much as I hate to admit it.....The California Court got it right....

They were never asked to decide about Gay marriage or a ban on such.....They were asked to make a very narrow decision involving legal semantics...

In other words....was the ban a revision or an amendment and who has the right...the people or the legislature...

That was the question....

The answer/decision was the people have the right to vote...

It never adjudicated the legality of gay marriage....That’s why the California Justices tried to have it both ways...upholding the ban....but allowing the 18,000 gay marriages to stand...

Like it or not...the Change is going to have to come from Washington...Until there is a federal move...the mismash of nonsensical state laws will prevail...

A two tiered system of civil rights laws cannot stand....it is simply unconstitutional....

It’s just a matter of time...

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