
Bulls*** , Audacity and Mendacity...The Week that Was..

1. Watching Whoopie Goldberg on The View, call Glen Beck a "lying sack of dog mess..."

2. Watching Jesse Ventura, again on The View take on Elizabeth and demonstrate how intellectually stunted, she is....(see, I can use euphemisms too)

3. And speaking of euphemisms.....the big Dick Cheney accusing Obama of using euphemisms while delivering a speech that refers to torture as "enhanced interrogation technique" rather than torture....a name by any other name is still bullshit......Mr. Former VP.....

4. The GOP, having discovered women ( as something other than a sex object alternative to little boys) in the past election with the elevation of Sarah Palin are now looking at any woman who can string two sentences together to lead their party, since the old white guys are having such a hard time....

This time out....Liz Cheney....the other daughter of Dick....not the gay one...the one with five kids who is writing Dick’s book....

Some in the GOP are saying she should run for office....shows they still don’t get it.....it is not the messenger that’s wrong.....It’s the message.....

I will say it again....Bullshit wrapped in 10,000 dollar bills is still bullshit....

And by the way........where is Mary Cheney....the gay one with the baby and the female wife...still hiding out in Virginia which doesn't reconize same sex partners?

Baby must be walking by now..bet Grand pa Dick is soooooooooooooo proud.....

5. I hope this was a joke.....Palin/Bachmann in 2012?......Better joke....Steele/Bachmann in 2012

6. White Flight Texas Gov Rick Perry warning the GOP that it’s not safe to let just anybody into the Party..that would be like throwing your principles out the door and becoming a whorehouse....

7. Donald Rumsfeld....using the Bible to justify the illegal war on Iraq....

8. Another euphemism....calling those idiots in New York who tried to bomb the Synagogues, Muslim or Islamic terrorists....

They may be terrorists....but they’re Domestic American grown terrorists who converted to Islam...Calling them Islamic terrorists implies they are of middle eastern descent which perpetuates the stereotype and is an insult to Arab Americans...

Question...........How is it that the FBI and the rest of the alphabet soup of law enforcement can only infiltrate domestic terrorist groups who can’t tell a real C-4 bomb from a fake one?

What about the really dangerous guys like Tim McVeigh...there’s a bunch of em out there in them there hills and they are armed to the teeth.....

Besides....they don’t use C-4....they prefer to make their own bombs with stuff you find in the kitchen from recipes easily available on the internet...

9. Typical MSM ploy.....get gay Clay Aiken to comment on maybe gay Adam Lambert.....

10. The male Texas Mayor who resigned this week to be with his lover a guy who can’t qualify for papers to come to America......sweet.....

11. Democrats in Congress....clueless and in most cases....ball-less....

1 comment:

  1. There's no other way to say it: Dick Cheney by any other name is still a dick. The democratic party still lacks balls.
