
Vivian and the Koch Brothers

Pay No Attention to the Woman on Your TV

At first I thought I was seeing Whoopi Goldberg in drag. But when I refocused I saw that it was an actor doing an imitation of what white people think is a respectable looking Black woman. You know what I'm talking about, little or no makeup, conservative cut suit in a flashy pastel color, big straight church lady hair, dark complected, and I'd bet if we could see her feet, sensible black pumps with two inch stack heels. No Jimmy Choos, and none of that Halle Berry butterscotch skin.

The only thing missing was the church lady hat. And her name is Vivian....Vivian Washington. Not as common as Smith or Jackson, but a step up from Johnson.

Vivian Washington is the latest face of Americans for Prosperity Foundation, better known as the attack group funded by the Koch brothers.

The Koch brothers are right wing nut job billionaires who spend a great deal of money keeping America crippled and controlled by the super rich. Charles and David Koch are currently under investigation for white collar fraud.

According to investigators the Kochs have a history of routinely breaking the law, political manipulation and lying to the public to get their way with the American people. They do this simply because they can having been born masters of the universe.

The Americans for Prosperity Foundation is supposed to be a charity and is in fact exempted from paying taxes, which makes the Vivian Washington attack ad illegal.

Tax exempt organizations such as foundations and churches can't by law, cross over into politics. The Vivian Washington attack ad is all politics and nothing more.

It is an attempt to convince people to return the GOP to power. My guess is that since Vivian looks like she does, it is a direct attempt to make Black people think, the GOP is our friend, and gives a damn about us and our problems.

I hope the actor playing Vivian got paid, because the ad is not really convincing, unless you think in stereotypes or maybe have one black friend in you array of acquaintances.

Vivian made me laugh. Then she made me cry. Then she made angry because it shows just how far we still have to go to be taken seriously in this country.

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