
Friday Rap

Unemployment figures for September....9.6%.....compare that to 25% out of work when FDR  took over the last time the GOP screwed us big.......


“Sometimes, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one..........”   This according to Mr. Spock as he sacrificed himself in one of the early Star Trek Movies...

America needs this type of sacrifice from its top tenth...the ones who benefit from the Bush's insane tax cuts...Time to give em back and save the American Taxpayer 700-billion dollars on the deficit..this figure according to the CBO

And while the GOP is ramping up its efforts to screw the taxpayer....there are Democrats who are joining them in their war on the Middle Class.

Many are now saying the tax cuts will not be repealed.....I hope the pundits are wrong about this...

The White House needs to take a hard stance for a change....some things are not negotiable...ever...

Such as the welfare of the quickly disappearing Middle Class...


Jan Brewer.....Linda McMahon.....Carly Fiorina....Meg Whitman....Sarah Palin....Michele Bachmann.....Sharron Angle......

And I once thought women were the salvation of this country...


It's like that Greek myth with the three witches who had one good eye between them and had to pass it around so all three could see once in a while....except these fools are playing pass the brain and it must have been dropped on one of the laterals...

Lost....totally lost....


Fresh off her victory lap with Glen Beck last weekend, Sarah Palin gets profiled by Vanity Fair Magazine. You can read it here

I think a Palin/Brewer ticket in 2012 is just what America needs.

You betcha!

Sharron Angle is denying she said the feds should not have sent aid to all Katrina victims....she was only in favor of letting the Black and brown ones drown....


And what's up with Ohio refusing to honor Puerto Rican birth certificates? The Ohio Dept. of Motor Vehicles won't take the PR certificates as proof of identity.....

Last time I looked Puerto Rico was part of America....same as Hawaii and Samoa....brown and American...what's the problem, Huh?

Ohio....the northernest, southern state in America...But then us natives have always known that...you ain't seen racism until you been to Ohio...

First image released by Tyler Perry of his version of "For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide, When the Rainbow is Enough"

I like the cast....so I'm curious to see this version. I just hope Madea is not in this or represented in anyway.

I'm not mad at Tyler like some folks....he is the only one employing black people and making movies...using his own money....You own the money in America...you rule...Don't like Tyler....then go buy a movie studio and make better movies...otherwise...


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