
Poor People-Caught in the Crossfire

The on-going war by white guys against the black guy in the White House....

Man, that was quick. Less than 24 hours after he who would be speaker of the house stated he was willing to compromise on tax cuts for the rich and famous, John Boehner got
knee capped by Miz Mitch McConnell.

McConnell said “hell no, we ain't gonna compromise with no democrats!” If the rich don't get a tax break, then neither will the middle class.

Damn the middle class, he said in so many words. And the truly onerous part of all this is that several Democrats are going to side with the GOP as they thumb their noses
at us.

In one weekend, we've heard “screw the middle the class,” and “no jobs bill” and we'll hold our breath and “shut down the whole government” if we don't get our way immediately.

To add insult to injury, the GOP is promising to mount Clinton impeachment-like investigations of President Obama if they are able to take control of Congress come November.

For those of you who may not remember, the Clintons both of them, spent much of their time battling false allegations hurled at them by the GOP, just because they could.
Nothing....Nothing the GOP said was true....their only intent was to paralyze government.

Trust me...it will be worse...if they officially go after Obama...given what they've been doing to him these past four years..

And then...there is this insistence on continuing Voodoo Economics...or suppy side economics...or trickle down economics...It's all the same crap no matter what you call it. I
like what Geraldine Ferraro said about it back in the day...

“I'd call it a new version of voodoo economics, but I'm afraid that would give witch doctors a bad name.” -Geraldine Ferraro

For those who have no clue...voodoo economics was a termed coined by the first President Bush to describe Ronald Reagan's economic plan for America...that same one that the
GOP keeps shoving down our collective throats and is destroying the country as we speak. Of course, Reagan made Bush his Vice President and suddenly Voodoo Economics became an acceptable way to screw poor people.

Trickle down, or Supply side, whatever you want to call it, theorizes that by cutting taxes...you stimulate supply of goods and products and at the same time...increase demand
for those supplies and products....These witch doctors also theorize that a market flooded with product, increases labor and keeps prices lower...

Allrighty then....while this may look good on paper....it does not work in the real world....ever...and you only have to look at the past 20 years to see that...

Reaganomics, to use the good term...worked wonders for rich people....they got the tax cuts...but rather than “trickle it down” they put in the bank and invested it for their own benefit...

Left poor people hanging and government bereft of much needed income for providing services...as a result...the government had to resort to borrowing money...which is
why we're up to our ass in alligators and in debt to China....Later for speaking Spanish..ya'll better be about learning Mandarin, it's so bad...

Under Reagan's voodoo economics....the deficit quadrupled....when Reagan actually campaigned on the promise that he would balance the budget in four years...then it was “okay” I'll do it in the next four years....Didn't happen..

Not then...won't happen now...not under voodoo econ 101....

And when you add outsourcing the American job market to other third world countries...you have complete and utter economic disaster....just like what we're going
through now...

No income to pull us out of the recession...because of the demand by the right to give tax cuts to those who don't need them...

No jobs for those who need them, because the jobs market has moved overseas and will not come back.

A government shutdown...well it may happen, if the GOP and Newt and his mini mes return to Capital Hill..

And some stupid Democrats are saying that maybe if we use supply side econ in a properly controlled situation, then maybe it will work for us...REALLY?

We have a game like that....played by idiots...it's called Russian Roulette...

I ain't suicidal....and I do know what happens when you put a gun to your head and pull the trigger...

Miz Mitch and Eric-boy Cantor want to pretend that they are really giving the tax cuts to small business, which is another bogus claim...John Boehner also admitted this during
his Sunday bubble of lucidity....Boehner admitted that only about 3% of small business would pay higher taxes under the tax plan put forth by President Obama.

THAT MEANS THAT 97% OF SMALL BUSINESS WILL GET A TAX CUT UNDER THE OBAMA PLAN....It is nothing more than “Screw Obama” by any means necessary...

“The only truly new ideas [the right] has come up with in the last twenty years are (1) supply side economics, which is a way of redistributing the wealth upward toward
those who already have more than they know what to do with, and (2) creationism, which is a parallel idea for redistributing ignorance out from its fundamentalist strongholds to those who know more than they need to.”

Russian Roulette...nothing more...

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