
Friday Rap

Meghan McCain on Bristol Palin....isn't this just another case of the pot calling the kettle black?

Class warfare...

Maybe it's elite rich kid with name picking on poor white trash kid with name...Both employed and making money due to their parents' noteriety rather than any innate talent or skill...


Remember when “going postal” was an anomaly rather than a solution to problems at work?


Newt Gingrich...bet he's pissed this morning...wants to be taken seriously as a candidate for President and the all the MSM is asking him is about that fool in Florida who wants to burn the Quran...the Park51 community center....and the Oompa Loompa from Ohio....John Boehner...Gingrich has to smile and put the best spin on it that he can...but his eyes say differently...guess any face time is better than none at all....

Note to the GOP....

You really need to rethink the choices you're offering to America....A guy named after a lizard, whose real life calling is disrespecting and abusing the women stupid enough to marry him.....an Orange cartoon character who would rather play golf than legislate...a man who wears magic underwear......and a dark horse who has an anal sex problem....throw some Snowbilly into that mix and you have the Republican convention in 2014...that is really...really scary....


Once again, the American people are being victimized by the MSM's fascination and determination to make a news story from the words of an idiot.

It is absolutely painful to watch these so called journalists sit there with pinched faces attempting to salvage their dignity talking about things that don't belong on television...at least in the news category.

For once...Miz Mitch, as in McConnell is right....ignore the idiot preacher...turn off the mics...this is obviously a man caught in the headlights....looking for a graceful exit out of the spotlight...

Give it to him, for goodness sake!....Turn off the damn mics.....go find somebody else to harass.


Like the right's new super duo combination...Snowbilly and Mormon Boy...defenders of truth...justice and the white American way...

Well...that's not totally fair.....Snow has a black witch doctor hidden in her closet that she brings out to cast spells once in a while before she ventures into a black neighborhood for speaking engagements...

What'd you say?....It never Snows in black neighborhoods? Oh...Okay...So I have to travel to Alaska and pay $225 per ticket to see the Snow and MB moose and grizzly juggling show, paying tribute to those who died on 9/11....

Well hell.....isn't it part of Mormon Boy's religion to travel into the wild and recruit savages to convert and pray with him...They knock on my door all the time...in pairs of two...all white and shiny in their black suits, crisp white shirts and thin dark ties...I always talk to them and the Jehovah Witness who like turning up on Saturdays..

Except they have a problem when I ask them about that Mormon thing...you know the one where Black people aren't really considered human...I know they took it off the books in 1978...but that's too close for my comfort...so I just have to go there....

Damn! No Snow and No MB...Guess I'll have to find another way to help restore America on this 9/11 weekend....shoot off some fireworks or something...aim them at the Carew Tower..


YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! A federal judge has ruled Don't Ask, Don't Tell unconstitutional...says gays have a right to serve openly in the military....

Maybe Obama will buy a clue and issue an executive order staying the execution of current law...this will send a message that he is serious about helping the LGBT community become equal...


Every Once in a while...I've just got to ask...............

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