
Sarah Palin, Channeling her Inner Hood Rat

Sarah Palin is a hood rat...not a pit bull, or a lipsticked smeared pig, nor even the self styled Momma Grizzly or whatever animalistic analogy she comes up with this week..

No, Sarah Palin is a hood rat.

Now for those of you not familiar with this special hard to kill breed of rodent..

Hood rats are fashion challenged, loud mouthed busybodies who spend hours in everyone else's business, usually with no visible means of support for themselves or their five or six kids of varying ages and daddys...

Sarah the hood rat has a job...but some of her hood rat sisters have gigs too...part time and not stressful...like Sarah's gig of speaking engagments and book signings for her personal choir of true believers...

Hood Rats are legends in their own mind..someone to be feared, because as they will readily tell you at the top of their lungs, they will do an LL Cool J on yo azz and Knock you out, if you mess with them.

They talk a good fight, but as everybody else in the hood knows...it's all talk...no substance...no danger..They do show up at fights.. they're the ones in the nappy head rags protecting their pink orange and purple tinged fake hair weaves....They're not there to fight...hell...might break a nail and have to go find money to get the nails done again...No...they are there only to egg on the real fighters and to basically stir up some shit, so speak...

The ex gov has gone to sporting leather jackets, jeans and pumps, showing full time snowbilly cool..She's out to be seen and heard....not felt...

Throw a punch.. take a principled stand...run for office....not in a million years....

When they tell you, they won't tell a soul...or that they are there for you...run the other way...because you know they're lying...the only time a hood rat tells the truth is when they're not talking....

Talk to Sarah and you're liable to see it on Facebook a day later...

These days Sarah's hood is the whole country...all of America...well not all....she won't come to certain states or certain neighborhoods or cities....Like all hood rats...Sarah knows which streets not to cross or where she can stand and talk shit without fear of getting her ass whipped...

Hood rat Sarah is jumping around her hood recruiting Stepford wives to carry her dangerous message. She's even thrown in a couple of mocha tinged Sorors/jack n jill wannabes, into the mix so her message won't seem so......White...

Make no mistake about it...these Sorors are opportunists....not serious...but smart enough to see a brass ring and to make a grab for it...big fish in little pond syndrome...or fly in buttermilk visibility.....

So Sarah can say...see..." I 've got more of them for friends than just that silly old witch doctor who came to my church..hehe"....

And something to remember about these new so called Momma Grizzlies...Stepford wives....they come with an old message...a message honed by their old white husbands..white men can not do what they've done without the help of old white women...who quiet as it's kept....are merely protecting their meal tickets and comfortable way of life...

They may seem new and feminist?!..but they're not...been there the whole time..in the background....letting Dad seemingly call the shots and take the hits while they knock back their cosmos and bourbon water on the rocks, collecting on insurance policies or divorce settlements before they move on the next old white guy meal ticket...

Old White women don't want to change either.....They support equality as long as it does not affect their lifestyle or comfort level....

Their gender may cause them to seem more nurturing or more gentle in approach...however they're not to be trusted...just like Sarah the Hood Rat...

Besides even kids in the hood will tell you...the person you watch out for in a street fight..is the one who doesn't talk...just stands there until attacked.....

Most of America is quiet...just like pre-2008......the real America is not yet talking...they're not being polled....they're not talking to the mainstream media...waiting.....

The MSM likes and prefers hood rat behavior... like Sister Sarah gives them every 24 hours or so in keeping with the news spin cycle.....sells more copy...gets more hits on the blogs...more viewers on TV...

the rest of us.... black, white, brown, yellow... real men, women, gay, straight, working or unemployed........watching...waiting....ain't sayin' nothin'..


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