
Friday Rap

The Cajan Queen

Nice to see a president step up and take responsibility for a problem...the BP oil spill crisis is far from over....however it is being handled...certainly not as fast as James Carville wants...but then everyone realizes that Carville is just using it politically to his own end...his hissy fit was calculated and very disingenuous...like someone out of the loop who desperately wants to be in the loop....


American Female Genital Cutting

It's amazing what a little light can do when used to illuminate secret practices and policies. Last week the American Academy of Pediatrics said it was okay to do genital mutilation on baby girls to satisfy stupid and dangerous cultural rituals brought to America from the old countries.

This week...They've decided that maybe their idea was not such a good idea..The outcry was fierce, considering women come to this country in the first place, to get away from some of the barbaric rituals like genital mutilation..



Maybe now the hissy fits thrown by some in the LGBT community will stop now that Congress has taken another step to repeal the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy. From what's being said in the media and online, you'd think the Obama administration had told gay people to go screw themselves instead of doing the work it's done to level the playing field.

Personally, I'm sick and tired of priviledged gay boys and girls throwing temper tantrums in an attempt to get their way. Their parents may cave in to this kind of crappy behavior, but the world and government don't work that way.

These same whiners are the ones who blamed Blacks for the Prop 8 debacle in California, attacking Black gays and lesbians, by calling then nigger, when they stepped into the streets to try to join the protests.

It's not only the straight community which wallows in and exercises white privilege because it can.


The Budget Deficit

Well, America can't seem to find any extra money to help the people who lost their jobs during this economic recession...Can't extend unemployment benefits.....might create an underclass of lazy people who rely on big government to feed their families.....they just have to starve until the economy rights itself and more jobs become available...

But...in the meantime...here is 60-billion dollars....to continue fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan...

Since we like fighting wars....maybe we should reinstate the military draft...that way we can put all those lazy shiftless unemployed back to work....give em a gun to carry and let em go kill people...

yeah...that's the ticket....kill two birds with one stone...create jobs and fight the wars..The American way....

Truth of the matter.....If conservatives really want to have a smaller government.....They need to endorse reducing the military budget by two thirds or more...


Higher Education

New way to teach Geometry....draw up an assassination attempt on President Obama...talk angles of bullet flight between gun and target.....is it easier with one gunman or two...

actual lesson that went on at a high school in Georgia.

Read it here...


Friday vibe....Miss you Luther V.....

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