
A Snowy Day in Nati-town

Some things I've learned by reading the newspapers today, as 9 inches of new snow falls on top of the foot of snow that I have yet to shovel from my driveway...

Those shiftless, lazy white people...

Democratic Candidate for governor of Texas says...white people don't want to work in factories...Farouk Shami...who is a self made millionaire who manufactures hair care products says...white people want special treatment and won't work...Shami explained his nearly 100% minority workforce this way....

“A majority of the people are going to be Hispanic and African-American. You don't find white people who are willing to work in factories. And our history proves, you know, lots of time when they, you know, the white people come to work in a factory they either want to be supervisors or they want to be, you know, paid more than the average person. And unfortunately they exit.”

Shami also apparently thinks along with the rest of those running for Texas gov, that 9/11 was an inside job.

Maybe America should go ahead and let Texas secede from the Union...ya think..


Imprecatory Prayer

This is the kind of prayer that pseudo christians use to pray for God to kill somebody, as in those who daily pray that President Obama dies or is killed, because they don't like him or agree with what he is trying to do for this country. You can read more about that here.

I wonder if these fake christians have come across the phrase..."you reap what you sow" in their bible. Or maybe that other commandment from Jesus, about loving others as you love yourself...

Obviously, they have the second part of that commandment down pat..


Canceling 12th grade

Utah is considering whether or not to cancel the 12th grade as a way of saving the state money. At first, the proposed law was to cancel the grade altogether. Now apparently because of the outcry, the lawmaker behind this has changed his mind and says..ya'll didn't understand..what I meant to say was,12th grade should be optional...


Losing another Democrat

Evan Bayh of Indiana is retiring.....says he can better serve the people outside Congress. Given the gridlock on Capital Hill, I ain't mad at him...


Darth Cheney

Cheney ticks me off whenever he opens his mouth, but one afterthought about his latest foray on television.....he apparently hates Dubya as much as he hates Obama...and he doesn't like Sarah either...but that is probably his mysogynistic tendencies showing through..he doesn't like women in general..unless it's one of his mini me daughters, you know, the gay one in the illegal marriage or the tea bagger with the five kids...


Tiger Woo-woo

Did we really need to know that Woods reportedly knocked up one of his porn girls, twice? She is telling the tale, all the while saying she feels sorry for Wood's wife...Well if she feels for Elin...why tell this story...that she miscarried the first time and aborted the second and never told Tiger about it in the first place..

I mean, why go there, unless you're looking for a payday...

Elin, meantime, is handling her business....regardless of all the bimbo eruptions taking place...

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