
Friday Rap

Being snowed in for two weeks and totally stir crazy makes me want to lash out and punch people, so today, I'm going to hit out at some of my favorite punching dummies, as well as a couple of new ones...

Don't Ask Don't Tell...

DADT does more than affect gay people. Black women are the primary group being bounced from the military because of this policy...There's a report from the government that shows black women who refuse to sleep with or welcome sexual advances from male officers or fellow soldiers are routinely turned into the brass as lesbians, whether they are or are not. Many women being bounced are in fact straight black women.....screwed no matter what...

John Mayer c'mon down!

What the hell is a hood pass, and who are the one or two Black people who thinks this loose lipped mufuca can entertain? He is known mainly for talking about sex with his exes....Other than the fact that his jump offs are all white...along with his apparently racist and right wing leaning wienie...

Why should we care what he says.....It's not like he's Robin Thicke or Tom Jones or Tina Marie, for god's sakes...He used us in the ugliest way possible in order to get his pub...now he needs to go sit down, before somebody really introduces him to Hood life and slaps him like the little bitch that he is...


GOP c'mon down!

What the gay ole party has been doing these past couple of years is BOYCOTTING Obama, not obstructing. When you refuse to support, or attempt to stop something no matter what...that is a boycott or a strike...

It is not an obstruction...an obstacle, or obstruction...can be moved....The GOP has been doing the “we shall not be moved shuffle” since they lost the election. Doesn't matter what Obama says or tries to do, the GOP is agin it, period. They prefer to be called obstructionists because the word implies that someday in the future they might come around and work for the American people..not! They are protecting their ass which is what mediocre politicians do...

But we all know this is never going to happen as long as Obama is in the White House and many Americans, both Black and White continue to listen to GOP lies and bullshit.

Case in point....Medicare..

The GOP has been trying to kill this program since Ronnie Ray-gun spoke out about it back in the day. Yet, the GOP has used the threats of Medicare program cuts and the formation of alleged death panels to scare old people into believing that Obama, by working for healthcare reform, is trying to shorten their stay on earth.

The GOP is in fact, now painting itself as the only hope for a program it's been vigorously trying to kill for the past 40 years....And people are buying the Bullshit!

I took a look at the GOP Road Map to America plan, which is online and available to anyone who cares to read. It is the GOP answer to bringing this country back to economic well being. Check it out here.

Problem is...that funny old program called Medicare has to go away according to the GOP plan...don't believe me...read their plan for the future...the one they say...well....the one Sarah Palin, her advisers and some of the GOP vocally support right now..Fair weather congressman, Orangeman John Boehner is as usual, hedging his bets....won't support it...but won't say it sucks either....

The GOP plan for America also wants to privatize Social Security...but we heard that from Dubya a few years ago....so that's not new either....Can you imagine where you'd be if social security had been tied to the stock market these past few years....

The GOP is still working for big business and wall street..

This Road Map to the future also contains more bones for the insurance/healthcare industry than ordinary people...Should have called this mess...the Plan for Erasing the Middle Class.

Bipartisan Jobs Program...

Was put out of its misery yesterday by Harry Reid....the plan had more tax cuts for big business then it had help for the unemployed...

Saint Sarah Palin, c'mon down!

Let me pull out my redneck teleprompter so I can get this right....that's not nice...some of my good buddies are rednecks....hell.....my granddaddy was a redneck......that makes me quarter redneck...Black and redneck...ain't that a genealogical bitch!....Calling Saint Sarah a redneck is an insult to my family...


The polls say 71% of America, thinks Palin is not qualified to be president....Not qualified didn't stop Reagan.....won't stop Palin either....I hope she runs...about time for another landslide...like the one that buried Barry Goldwater....which was bigger then the one that buried McCain and America's favorite ex gov back in 2008......republicans, pollsters, and the media keep forgetting that the last election was a landslide....Maybe they need to try polling the “Real America” for a change...

Blue Dog Bitches, er Democrats

Time for O to put these fools on a choke chain. They've had enough exercise...time to rein them in and make them heel....

Black Community-we gotta talk

Did you know that the Centers for Disease Control predicts that half of all the little Black babies born this year, will develop Diabetes during their lifetime? Yeah....I'm not kidding...

We already die quicker than white people....Black people die from the stress of being black in America...women die from HIV/AIDS from sleeping with DL black men.....Black on black crime has taken a couple of generations of very young black men and now it is taking young black women....

And now the babies are in danger from yet another controllable situation....

We're not trying hard enough to handle these problems, and we're not the number two population group in America anymore either...Hispanics now rank second to whites in population... which means that the next census numbers...upon which all that government money is based....is going to Hispanics...while we Black folks, are on our way to oblivion...we don't have any black genes coming into our gene pool...

Habla espanol, negroes? Or can you speak Mandarin...Because I guarantee you negro dialect won't cut it in the future...if it ever cut it in the first place...

We are living thru slow, self imposed genocide.....Suicide by Community....It is way past time to stop drinking the Kool aid...literally!


  1. You make interesting points. I don't write about politics mainly because it stirs too much emotion. I am hopeful that don't ask don't tell is repealed -- many former military brass even former JCS General Shalikesvili (sp) agrees it should be lifted. They all realize that asking mothers, fathers, spouses and children to stand over caskets of their love ones should be an equal opportunity sacrifice.
    As for Mayer,I don't listen to his music. Being a talented musician does not guarantee intelligence.

  2. Ah, politics...it is the art of fighting without fighting...fighting with emotion but without anger...most people don't understand the concept...this is very visible within the Tea bag movement...

    My readings on John Mayer tell me he is another white boy tripped up by the comfort of his white privilege....

    and, I hope that one day you write about what it is that drove you to join the military..would make for an interesting read...
