
Election Eve Questions other Flotsam and Jetsam

Am I the only one bothered by Jeff Berding's blatant hypocrisy in his campaign ads....Anyone not paying attention is being led to believe that Berding single handedly stopped the police and fire fighter layoffs...

And as a result of his heroic actions....was punished by the Mayor and stripped of his party endorsement....

I am already on record as not trusting the guy....I've made up my mind....Ain't votin' for him either...along with Charlie W....Chris M.....Leslie G... Kevin F.....and Laketa C....

I watched challenger Wenstrup's ad too......the man is so timid...he never faces or speaks on camera...no wonder he says he feels safer in Iraq than he does in Cincinnati....He's so shy....just what we don't need at City Hall.....


"Too light to be Black on TV".....I had to deal with that back in the 70's when I was a reporter....Back then...it wasn't enough to be Black...you had to look Black, too..and I was told this before I changed my makeup and went darker for a few months....until the idiot who told me that turned his attention to other things... he was the news director after all...then I went back to my true skin tone after I got the job I wanted...

Same old song...

Today...the University of Cincinnati welcomed a new President....He's a Black man....the first African American President in the history of the school....yet you'd never know that based on the reporting done by the media, here in town...

Not one of them mentioned the fact that he self identifies as African American....they do let him say it....because he does readily id himself as a brother...even though he doesn't look it...

But I guess since he looks like a white man at first glance...local media is apparently reticent to identify him as such...I guess they don't want to "offend" him or to handicap him by bringing him down from his exalted status of Master of the Universe to poseur...

If truth be told....UC's new prez is just one of millions who don't look like what they are...

Folks who are confused about what is called "passing" need to rent a couple of movies...PINKY and IMITATION OF LIFE...might learn something.....


A self identified lesbian is one of the new owners of the Chicago Cubs....Laura Ricketts family just bought the team for 845 million dollars..And she sits on the Board of Directors...

Bet Rush is really pissed off now....Wonder how the radio clown is going to spin this in his circus..


When is the MSM going to call Congress on it's hypocrisy about health care reform? If government run health care is so bad...why are they still hanging on to it for themselves and their families?

Any congressman who votes against health care and the public option should have their health benefits taken away effective immediately..

I'm honestly all out of adjectives to describe John Boehner....Orangeman is so many fries short of a happy meal...I can no longer go there...


Why is there such a big deal being made about the Marine general who reportedly opposes gays in the military....If he is truly a soldier.....he will do what his commander in chief tells him to do...

It's called following orders...that is what soldiers do...or be court martialed...

My question is....why won't the commander in chief act to lift the ban? He can do it with an executive order, if I understand correctly....So what is the hang up?


And no matter what happens in tomorrow's election...the MSM is going to spin it as a referendum on Obama...

Reality check....tomorrow is a battle....not a war....

If everyone turns out and votes....that is all that is necessary..the revolution will continue..

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