
Cincinnati Election Postmortem

The election was mostly all good in last night's election. Voters on the whole voted for progress by re electing Mayor Mark Mallory for another 4 year term.

City Council saw the return of 7 incumbents including Roxanne Qualls, Cecil Thomas, Jeff Berding, Chris Monzel, Leslie Ghiz, Laketa Cole, and Chris Bortz.

Laure Quinlivan will join the incumbents along with Charlie Winburn returning.......Winburn's election goes to show that Cincinnati voters do have a sense of humor...But I'm not laughing...the guys a republican in the same sense that Michael Steele and Clarence Thomas are GOP...not conservative...but obstructionist....

The casino issue #3 passed....And it will be built on Broadway Commons...the city gets it right..

Issue #9 the light rail amendment was happily voted down, which was a good thing. It tanked badly all over the city except for on the Westside of town.

Considering the news yesterday about Warren Buffett buying a railroad in anticipation...I think rail transit in America is about to turn around...I don't mean tomorrow...But I do mean finally...

All other issues.....the water district amendment....the library funding....the livestock board...the city schools...MRDD...Museum Center....all passed handily..

Big Wheel keeps on rolling....at least for the next four years..


  1. I have to admit I was disappointed by the casino vote. I feel like people will do exactly what they do with the drug trade - do their dirt in the poor neighborhoods and go back to the suburbs like they were never there. It's a shame that despite the number of times we've voted down this issue, it only takes one time of everyone saying "yes" to bring the casinos into our midst. I truly believe it will do more harm than good, but only time will tell.

  2. One of the problems with our society is that we continually try to legislate morality...you can't...taxing the sin...helps us all even if we can't eliminate the sin..I think gambling, prostitution and drugs should be legalized and taxed highly taxed...just like alcohol...

    We could eliminate income taxes if we taxed the so called "sins"

  3. Epiphany: we legislate morality every day - in the extreme view, murder, rape - and in the lesser extreme stealing, robbery, etc.

    There are those who believe that in certain circumstances these crimes are excused - yet and still, however we rationalize it - we know these things are wrong.

    We work hard to keep ills out of our society. With the casino's we're inviting them in. I may be wrong...but I think we'll regret this decision a lot sooner than we think.

  4. Prostitution, drugs & gambling are victimless. Rape, murder & robbery have victims. Legislating against the victimless crimes is simply legislating morality for the sake of legislating morality. Legislating the crimes that result in victims gives the victims legal recourse.
    The really bad part of the vice laws is that it creates a tender for the black market. Legalize the vice crimes and vice will be out of the slums & in the malls in a week.
