
Ya'll Need to go Sit Down and Shut up

Congressman Eric Cantor...the face of compassionate conservatism..This from a man who has government funded health care to a woman with stomach tumors Click on the link to check out what he said...

Remember, the GOP said all of us already have health care...it's called the emergency room at your local hospital...

"She breaches!".....Condi speaks about pulling out of Afghanistan....where was all this bluntness when her boss was lying to us about terror attacks eight years ago...

I seem to recall if they had read the memo early in 2001....we might not have been attacked so succesfully in September 2001...

I seem to recall that on that fateful day....her boss was caught with his pants down in a classroom full of students...doing what Obama was excoriated for a few weeks ago..

I seem to recall....her boss and his now very vocal vice president went into hiding and Condi disappeared...

No Moses moment from these clowns...you know what I'm talking about...in the Ten Commandment movie when Joshua tells Moses to go stand on the rock and be seen so his people could draw strength from his visage as God parted the red sea...

To paraphrase a dead politician...."Mr Bush...you are no Moses!" and neither is Cheney and Condoleeza Rice...well nobody will ever mistake her for Joan of Arc, or Rosa Parks, or Coretta Scott King...

And afterward....again paying no attention to the writing on the memo....attacked Iraq when the terrorists with Saudi passports and birth certificates and nationality launched their attack from American soil, as American trained and armed Al Qaeda cheered from the sidelines in Afghanistan...

Remember bin laden's family lived in New York on September 11 and had to be smuggled out by the Bush government on airplanes supplied by his oil rich Saudi friends...

Condi helped create the lies back then...and now thinks we will listen to her once again?


Things are different now....the one thing that is true about America...you can hit us...but not twice....

Thanks to Bush and Cheney and Condi...we got hit..But it won't happen again...

We're awake now...

Try it again....we dare absolutely double dare ya...

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