
Friday Rap

Is it just me....or have the writers responsible for the plot and storyline on All My Children gone absolutely crazy....

I am well familiar with taking license with reality....however the suspension of belief that it would take to make these story lines acceptable...is criminal...

I am literally ready to rid the world of Ryan, Zach, and Josh

But... Kendall and Randi....they are a disgrace to womanhood...no woman in the history of the planet is that stupid...ever....even while pretending....

And I thought Crystal was bad a couple of months ago...man!


Speaking of monumentally intellectually challenged women...Our Sarah made a speech in Hong Kong this week....

Word is she was true to form of never letting the facts get in the way of her fiction..


Speaking of facts on Health Care Reform....a new poll says 65% of voters now favor the public option..

The House is set to vote on it for the first time on Tuesday..

Call your Congressman please....Tell them that Health Care Reform Without single pay or a public option..

is just another government subsidy for the Insurance and health care industry...


New survey out says spanking your kids makes them stupid....Not according to my Mom...She always said she would beat the black off me...and 50 years later I stand before you in all my light, bright and butterscotch skin...

No Black anywhere except in my mind...she missed that...I'm happy to say...


Good to see Momar back in the limelight....he's old time crazy...been that way for years...his speech to the UN shows nothing's changed....


It's still early....but I'm not seeing any signs what so ever...that my President is going to dismantle the evil empire and imperial presidency crafted together by the former regime...what's that about power corrupting...those who get it...don't want to give it up...

Maybe it's the ultimate addiction.


New gadget for cooks....a cocoon cooker that will allow you to grow meat and fish from a prepackaged mix of dehydrated...well you don't want to know....

Of course PETA may like it....won't have to kill animals anymore...just whip up a chia steak in the kitchen for dinner...

Think I will pass....

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