
Tom DeLay on DWTS?

This is a joke, right? The Hammer actually fancies himself a twinkle toes? Who da thunk....

That's quite a resume he's got going...from Texas bug killer to Congress to lying hypocritical sack of S***, to tainted and disgraced Republican to contestant on Dancing with the Stars...

This guy is indicted...hasn't been convicted yet and already he's resurrecting himself..

as a Dancer and entertainer...please!

Where are all the protestors...Where's PETA?

Oh, I get it....PETA protects dogs and other lower forms of life...

And for my fellow Ohioans....He's a goooooooood friend of Kenny Blackwell...

I can call him Kenny...I've known him since College...

Need more about Tom DeLay...Check it out here.....


  1. Only in this country could a bastard like Tom DeLay go on a national show and not get the Enron-related beatdown he deserves.

    Girrrrrllll....one day I'm gonna go on the road and make my pimp slap list a reality. Just gone pimp slap GOP idiots across America.

  2. hell yeah - I'm gonna start with Rush Limbaugh - let's hit the road any day you say!
