
“See, We're Not Racists...Our Nigras Got Guns, Too!"

I can't imagine how some Black people come to this point. Do they actually believe that their “fellow” protestors see them differently...

Must be the Tiger Woods syndrome...or the Clarence Thomas genetic mutation....

Do they actually believe that because they stand up along side their “fellow” protestors and rail against the half Black man in the White House, that this will save them, once the shooting starts?

At least Tiger's not stupid...He owns a boat just in case he has to make a quick getaway...

Maybe it's a generation gap. Maybe these naive young men have never experienced racism. They've always been the superhero on the greens or on the football field or on the basketball courts.

Raised to believe they are different from the rest of us....is that it?

It's one thing to forgive.....But you never, ever forget....ever....

The “fellows” flock to them, watch them win, buy them drinks, wink at each other when they bed the blonde cheerleader or marry her later in life and move her to the suburbs after first buying Momma a big home somewhere else far away...

Someplace he can visit and go back to without his wife, or accompanied by the “fellows” to remember who he was a while back...before he started living on a pedestal...

Maybe they've never had a friend or two turn on them...sometimes in alleged playfulness...

“Come kiss me with those big nigger lips...”

A birthday present from someone who was my friend at the time...Changed everything,...the friendship never the same...

Maybe he's never had a “friend” who thinks that because they are “friends” that it's okay to let their internalized hate for black people show because he's “safe”....Because he understands them...Because he lives among them...works with them...he is with “them”....

And not like his “people”....

Maybe this Black guy with the assault rifle has never had something like this happen among his friends..Maybe nobody has ever called him “boy” except his grandmother...

Maybe he doesn't comprehend that he was helped to climb onto his pedestal by “those people” now in his line of sight through the scope of his assault rifle..

Maybe he still lives on that precarious pedestal, reliving his glory over and over in the drunken remembrances during the backyard barbeques of his “fellows..” in the burbs..

Maybe he is just one of the guys among his friends and at work...

Maybe he's never been disrespected by cops at a traffic stop in his neighborhood, or pulled out of his house in handcuffs or beaten in his own driveway..


Just another guy with an assault rifle...outside a rally for health care reform, which is designed to help those who cannot help themselves...Many of whom look like him..

Including the guy on the podium...

Except for the assault rifle on his shoulder...

Another day in the good ole USA....


  1. I wonder if the response would have been the same if some Snopp Dog/Lil' Wayne looking brotha' would have shown up strapped.

  2. Since I posted, it's come to light that this was publicity stunt by some radio show...

    This fool was used...wonder what the show host would have done if his fool had been arrested or shot...I'm sorry...I didn't think? Ass!

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