
Friday Rap

Palin resigns....giving up governorship at the end of the month...

You don't really think she believes that she can win the White House in 2012 do ya?



Organic Foods-you are what you eat..

Another government approved scam forcing consumers to pay more for less...

Think you’re buying “healthy” when you pay more for the so called organic food in the grocery store?

Well, think again. It’s not...organic or good for you. In fact, much of the alleged organic stuff contains the inorganic non-healthy chemicals that have always been there..

And those healthy, organic companies....Boca and Morningstar, and Honest Tea, they’re owned by Kraft Foods, Kellog and Coca Cola, respectively.

When the government put in place the “organic food laws” back in 2002, there were only 77 substance-additives allowed...

Today, thanks to lobbying from the big agra food companies...allowable additives have jumped to 245 chemicals...

And that pesticide option...of no pesticides on so called organic food...that option was never implemented thanks to the lobbying efforts of people within the FDA..

The only way to get organic food is to buy from small local farmers, or to grow it yourself...

If you’re buying organic from a grocery store..you’re paying good money for fake stuff...

Read more about it here


BET-Black Embarrassment Television

I almost broke a rule to watch the BET awards this past week because I wanted to see what kind of tribute they would mount for Michael Jackson...but in the end, I couldn’t bring myself to watch.

BET is Stepin Fetchit TV for the masses....with apologies to the real Stepin Fetchit who only played at being a fool for white people in order to get paid...BET for those of you who don’t know is owned by Viacom....I’m not sure there are any Black owned TV stations anywhere in the world, anymore...

And before anyone comments about TVone....it’s not totally Black owned or controlled either..

One of my great laments about integration is that it has taken our identities and is slowly consuming our singular culture...

Not only are there no Black genes coming into our gene pool, many of us still chase the white ethic when it comes to attempting to look good or to feel successful, media outlets are owned outright or controlled by whites, businesses in the neighborhoods are owned and operated by Middle Eastern people, schools are in disrepair, and the best and brightest are moving to the burbs without looking back.

In Cincinnati, the death knell of neighborhoods was sounded years ago when the city repealed the ordinance mandating that people who worked in Cincinnati..had to live inside city limits...

with that rule...your teachers were your next door neighbors...your police officers and firemen lived across the street....the postman, lived around the corner...the neighborhoods were beautiful, well kept and kids were forced to go school, because there was nowhere you could hide that somebody didn’t recognize you and would tell your parents...

My fourth grade teacher lived down the street...she went to school with my mother...her husband was the mail man...she told him about her day...he would tell our parents...if we screwed up...that was two whippins’ in one day...from the teacher...and from my mom when I got home...


Found a Guy From Cincinnati.....

Today’s announcement that the Statute of Liberty is opening up to tourists again, reminded me of when I spent two and a half hours with friends walking to the top of the statute back in 1979..

Of course, that was before 9/11 and you didn’t need a ticket or reservation.

The steps were wooden at the time and it was quite a climb. When we got to the top, there was a guy and his girlfriend in front of us...who proceeded to yell “Cincinnati” out of the windows of the crown...

We cracked up...we traveled in a pickup truck through the Poconos to spend a weekend in New York, take in a show, climb the Statute of Liberty, look out of the crown only to meet a guy and his girlfriend from our hometown...

Small world...


Go Williams!

It’s an all Williams final at Wimbledon again....Fourth time that’s happened...Serena’s playing like she’s mad Venus beat her last year and wants revenge this year...

Well, she’s gonna have to play better than she did yesterday, because “V” is looking pretty invincible...

Venus has walked through the field like a juggernaut...hasn’t dropped a set...Of course that means she really hasn’t been tested either...

Serena was her own worst enemy yesterday against Dimentieva...The Russian should have won...but she didn’t have enough smarts or confidence...although she is turning into a helluva player...

Safina..the other Russian who is ranked number one in the world and will remain so regardless of who wins the tournament...

Met the real number one player in the world yesterday...and got demolished....6-1, 6-0...

Totally embarrassing what Venus did to that girl, Thursday.

I'm putting my money on Venus...she who will not be denied...history!

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