
We’re All Going to Hell and it’s Obama’s Fault

Oklahoma GOP politician...fake Christian...bigot...racist...homophobic....Sally Kern...is in the news today. I usually don’t bother writing about these people because they do enough damage to themselves, just by opening their mouths...

However, today is an exception to my rule ....Kern has authored a proclamation on morality, that the Oklahoma legislature is actually going to consider.

According to this woman, Americaonly has a few years of existence left because President Obama has embraced the devil and is leading us to hell. She didn’t come out and call him the Anti Christ...that would be just too crazy...but she implied it..

I’m going to let the proclamation speak for itself.

You can read it here....

It seems the homophobic Mrs Kern also gave birth to a gay son, who is something of a hell raiser in his own right...Maybe he’s acting out at mommy....And maybe she’s taking her self perceived shortcomings out on the rest of us....

I don't know...

But anyway, she keeps trying to erase him from her biography....

Check it out here..

Kern is one of the GOP who apparently still takes their lead from that walking waste of oxygen named Rush...who was trying last week to blame Obama for Mark Sanford’s metamorphosis into the luv-guv...

Sanford, by the way, today admitted to several other affairs....but he claims he didn’t have sex with them.. And he apparently thinks that’s okay and does not constitute adultery or harm the sanctity of his very heterosexual marriage....

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