
Old White Guy Sacrifice

The Wingnut KamiKazi Mission to Save/Bring Down America

Is this the way the Grand Ole Party is going to save itself from itself....Send the racist, homophobic, I hate everybody old dinosaurs of the right, on suicide missions ...to wipe out as many “enemies of America” as they can.....get killed in the process....and thereby purge the party of all the ugliness...so they can start over with newer, younger and more subtle ugliness..

Is this what they're doing...first Dr. George Tiller....Now Stephen Johns....Who's next...

Except these two shooters didn't die....they will survive to spew their hate from behind bars...to clueless reporters from the main stream media, only too happy to seek them out and then play it back to the rest of us..

Hope they lock em up in the chocolate wing of the prison where some muscle for brains knucklehead named Adebisi decides to make one of them his new wife...poetic justice..

“They made me do it”...

That's the excuse to kill innocents....or Black people, or Jews, or Hispanics, or some other alternative thinking-different looking person....

It's always “our” fault....the so called "victim" always does something to “provoke” these people....

“If I can't have(control)you.....no one will..”

The “it” was America's decision to put a Black man in the White House....a nationwide rejection of the status quo.....

It said to the old white guys and the young white guys in training.....”sorry....but Daddy really doesn't know best....”

And as any wife or girlfriend of an old white guy can tell you....they don't handle rejection at all...

They just start killing...or trying to kill...everyone they say they love and anyone nearby..

And all the while...the talking heads...the real hatemongers...the draft dodgers...the college dropouts...the pill-popping, red light district visiting hypocrite, sit back silently celebrating, taking no responsibility for their repeated calls to the old dinosaurs, egging them on to kill...

Well, you know what....The plan is not going to work....We've been there....done that...and we're still standing....

The battles of the 1960s were training sessions for what the conservative right is attempting to unleash today...And back then...the numbers against us were astronomical compared to now....

The most difficult thing about these kamikazi white guys today is it's hard to see them coming...

And I have a question about that too...

Both these last two shooters...as well as that Black simpleton muslim wannabe embarrassment, in Arkansas who killed the soldier... were on the FBI radar....for years....

Yet...they still got off enough rounds to kill people...

Is that the price of freedom in America?

In order for all of us to walk free...we have tolerate the crazies in our midst...even when we know the danger....just askin'

Old white guys and the GOP should know....We will not be moved...

Continue to Obfuscate.....spit your Hate....bring your guns....bring your dogs...bring your fire hoses...

It don't matter...

Never did.....

I've said it before...the only game we don't win...is the one we don't play....

This time....we playin' politics, baby.....from the White House..

And....we're packin'....

thank you second amendment and concealed carry...

So Get ready...cause it's on...

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