
Friday Rap

You're fired! Now Shut up and Go Away, Please!

Carrie Prejean...the fired Barbie Beauty....The new Christian right wing cutie who can't keep her mouth shut.....

She's been turned into the 21st century version of Anita Bryant....At least Anita had a real career and real fame before she started trashing talking....

What Prejean needs to understand is that she's not the only one with first amendment rights...she does have a right to her opinion....

But so do the rest of us.....Honest....Don't believe me...go ask the people on the right who are giving you the bad advice...


Black Baby Sale Goes on...

Madonna's been handed her latest Mommy publicity prop....I don't begrudge the kids....But I do question girlfriend's motives...it looks shallow...artificial....not real....sincere or genuine....Then again...who am I to judge....It is not my right to do so...

I wish little Mercy a good life and well being..


Sarah, Sarah, Sarah....

Darlin......you were used....you served a purpose....you been kicked to the curb....you're supposed to go away....

Not pick fights with celebrities who make their living making fun of people...

The more you squawk...the less presidential and governor-like you look...It will not....I repeat...will not translate into votes come 2012...

Give it up already..


Lawmakers bought and paid for by the Tobacco Industry....

Mitch McConnell....got nearly a half million dollars....nearly double the next name on the list...

Good old Mitch was just taking care of his corporate constituents, giving them the best law money can buy....

Have to admit, that I have a problem with legislation intended to change certain behaviors like smoking...

I think it's an ugly habit...but if you want to do it...then do it...

Kind of like telling me I shouldn't drink wine or beer....my poison....my choice...

Of course the difference is that drinking wine only kills me, maybe..while smoking cigarettes can kill others with second hand smoke...

Still....There is that thing called freedom of choice...isn't there....

Prohibition didn't work....the bogus war on drugs is a big failure and should be ended.....Prostitution bans only penalize the women....

This thing with tobacco....consenting adults should decide...if they're willing to pay the cost as well as the price..then..let em..


Officials bought and paid for by Saudi Arabia...

Some guy, who no one's ever heard of but who was a deputy director of the Agency that sells advanced weapons systems to foreign governments..

Seems one of the many Saudi princes picked up the travel tab of this guy..named...Richard Millies and his wife to vacation in Riyadh to attend a festival..the eight day trip cost $24,000.

The Saudis spent $4.4 billion to buy weapons including smart bombs...

And they paid the tabs of many other Pentagon officials desiring to spend time in the Middle East....a total of 22,000 trips by Pentagon officials and their families, costing the Saudi princes $26 million dollars...

Spending that kind of money....No wonder Bush chose to dump on Iraq rather than go after the country that spawned the 9/11 hijackers..

You can read more about it here...


In Fear of a Black Planet...

Not content to blame the victim...the pseudo christian conservative right is blaming Obama for the guys with the guns attempting to turn back time or die trying....

I don't know what all the fear is about now...Earth has always been a mostly Black planet....

Power changed when Europeans couldn't take control of the oil....like they did with land, gold, diamonds, religion and other wealth generating commodities....

With Obama...the pigeons are coming home to roost, so to speak....Karma comeback....



Good luck Chaz....as you transition...I can't imagine what it must be like to have lived for 40 years knowing you were born in the wrong body.....

God may not make mistakes...But Mother Nature certainly does...

And apparently did....

Take care of yourself first, the others will come around later.


Pride Weekend

It's Pride weekend ….Let's go Party....


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