
Not Since 9/11

On Sale Monday.....


  1. Let me ask you a question. Or questions (I'm the inquisitie type.)

    How much of the hoopla surrounding the death of Michael is genuine adulation and how much is outright exploitation? How do we tell the difference? Should we be offended by it?

  2. I have been asking myself that question before all of my postings on his death...

    His death draws all of us closer..we all want to touch him..one last time...to explain how he touched us...even if it was long distance thru his music..

    Answering personally, I have been reading and watching and reacting from my gut, which is true with most of what I post, here.

    Right now, I'm a sad fan...someone who loved his music...hated what he chose to turn himself into....

    I did have the privilege of meeting him and his brothers thru my work, as well as on another occasion thru a family member who worked at Motown during its heyday...I may write about that sometime in the future...

    but not yet...

  3. "I may write about that sometime in the future..."
    YES !
