
Death-Bringing Out the Worst

Vultures pickin' at the bones of Michael Jackson

Suddenly, anybody who merely stood in his shadow, handed him a menu, watched him board a plane, passed him on the street, lived 20 doors down and thirty blocks away...is a media anointed expert on Michael Jackson....

Jackson very publicly distanced himself from his family...his father in particular...yet here’s Joe demanding a second autopsy to get some answers about "his boy."

"His boy" was a 50 year old man...

Rev, Inc.....Al and Jesse, the religious pimpin’ race hustlers extraordinaire....suddenly pop up as spokesmen for the family...

The ex nanny...the unauthorized biographer....the dancer in the fourth row of the chorus who danced behind him.....

All suddenly proclaimed experts on the King of Pop by the mainstream media..

All talking about his alleged drug abuse....all quiet and enabling while there was still time to help him....

silenced by the money...

The drama surrounding Michael Jackson is not new....the bigger the star...the crazier the circus when they pass......

James Brown..the godfather of soul...lays in state while the family fights over where to bury him...

Marvin Gaye..killed by his own father...10,000 people turned out to attend his wake...

Sam Cooke.... Aliyah, Otis Redding...Lisa Lopes....Tupac...Biggie Smalls....Frankie Lymon....

death gave them the kind of notoriety and peace they didn’t have while living..

Michael’s legend....monumental in life...

Will be insurrmountable in death....

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I saw Jessie pop up yesterday. I just shook my head. That negro there...

    Suddenly. scores of people come to the fore to acknowledge MJ's drug problem. I even heard one guy who claims to be "in the know" claim that he spent $100,000 in thirteen months on prescription medication. But where were these concerned people when it counte?
