
Tea Party Questions....

Okay....So We had a tea party....

And they were protesting because they don't like the fiscal policies of Barack Obama...

They do have that right....after all....this is America....land of the free, home of the brave and sometimes of the monumentally stupid....

90% of those who protested in Cincinnati yesterday....got a tax cut, not a promise...Are they going to give it back.....,, are they going to refuse to allow Obama to pad their paychecks with the rest of us deadbeats?

They marched on City Hall demanding that the City refuse stimulus money...okay...does that mean that all the senior citizens in the crowd are now going to refuse their social security or their medicare?

Aren't those the socialist programs that they are railing against?

Isn't the patriotic thing to do is to not take any of the government's money? Or is picking and choosing which socialistic activity that you engage in the way to do it..

George Bush/GOP socialism okay.....Barack Obama socialism=equals welfare for black people...not okay....just askin'....I'm trying to understand...

How about all those student loans...did they all come from the private sector...or are there some Pell grants thrown in.....you young'uns refusing that money and allowing your parents to foot the bill for your 8th grade education?

They are protesting policies...policies that were put into place by George Bush...

They were silent while Bush took a government surplus and turned it into two wars costing a billion dollars a month...two wars that we still have to pay for and to deal with....Americans are still dying for lies....

They were silent while Bush gave Obama and us.. a 1.6 billion dollar deficit....

Tax laws haven't been changed for 16 years....Obama didn't do that.....

Since these guys are also against education....how could they know that capitalism in its purest form is a consumer driven situation.... a survival of the fittest, darwinian system..the kind of system that is currently killing us and would kill them...

because 90% of the protestors at the tea party are road kill in a pure capitalistic system... and god forbid that we should ever turn to pure capitalism like George Bush tried to do...by privatizing everything including social security...

Hell....how could they know...since they don't like books or learnin'.....that America is a republic...not a democracy....how could they know that democracies lead to tyranny...without fail...

I would say go back and look at the past eight years if you don't believe me.... but would they understand....given their demonstrated level of understanding and comprehension....

How could they know the difference between capitalism, communism, socialism and fascism...they keep tossing those words around with nary a clue as to what they are talking about....c'mon now...the best way to seem smart...when you don't know...is to keep your mouth shut....

For the record....the Boston Tea Party...the last time I checked....was about "no taxation WITHOUT representation" .......well, we have representation in America...trouble is..the protestors don't like their representation.....King George (I love that) wanted to tax the colonies to pay for the French Indian War..And he wanted to do this without giving the colonies representation in the British House of Lords..

Oh yeah...one other bone to pick....the news media said the crowd was diverse....the phrase was....out of the mouth of my old friend at channel 9...who said "diverse...young, old, men, women"....c'mon Tom....you didn't finish it....young, old, men, women, black, white...

Where was the black-white part of that standard diversity phrase straight out of reporting school...

Maybe because the only black people and brown people down there...were the ones protesting the protestors....huh..ya think?

1 comment:

  1. This piece is very well written but in a lot of area just factually wrong.

    Their has been NO tax cut to anyone. PERIOD. Least of the mythical 90 % line that keeps floating around. You may hope for that but hope does not always materialize and in this current economic state it won't.

    If the economic policies of George Bush were so bad why continue them and triple the amount of spending in ONE YEAR. It was bad under Bush but it will be better under Obama 3 fold? Why? Because he had a D after his name? The majority of the people I talked to yesterday didn't give a hoot in hell for W's economic polices and their being appalled that they are continuing under President Obama.

    Capitalism has many flaws but it is the best system in a imperfect world. I understand what is being done right now and I do know the meaning of Socialism and Fascism and understand the the society's that have gone these routes where the government claims more and more control of our everyday life the people as a whole suffer. I choose to excel and fail in my own course not have the government dictate it to me.

    As for your last point on race, it fascinates me that this brought up. I didn't pay any attention to the racial makeup of the people I was with yesterday we were there to unite our voices in protest. But I did go back to the overshot view of the 4000 people there and I notices their were Black and brown, yellow and red. Odd it didn't make a damn bit of difference to me while I was there, it still doesn't.

    As my granmother used to say being we come from Irish descent, " On St Patty's day we are all Irish"

    Yesterday those who were protesting this government's insane spending plans were all American's
