
Questions, Questions, Questions and Thoughts

Why are the Spanish in Madrid doing what the US should be doing to the Bush Administration Cabal? Prosecutors in Madrid are going to indict Alberto Gonzales and his top playmates at Justice for condoning torture................

Where is the All inclusive, all powerful black church now that the Obama Administration has joined the fight against AIDS in the Black Community? The government has decided to do something... Why is the Black Church still silent?

Congressional Black Caucus, NAACP, SCLC, Urban League, you need to step up to the plate, too...........

Marilyn Chambers has died at the young age of 56. For those who don’t know the name, she was the baby on ivory soap and then grew up to star in the first porn movie that I ever saw..."Behind the Green Door." Marilyn and Linda Loveless answered some of my questions about sex way back when...

May she rest in peace..

Tour de Force through Europe...check
Visit the Troops.....check
Somali pirates......check
Open relations with Cuba and Iran...check
Black AIDS initiative...check
Don’t Ask...Don’t Tell...working
LGBT marriage....working
Health Care....needs work
Schools....needs work
Iran, Afghanistan.....working
Troops home....not yet
Israel, Palestine.....working
Dummy in North Korea....send in the seals sharpshooters, please!
Prosecution of Bush n Company....?
First One Days in Office....Looking Good

Why is Cheney talking....Did anyone ask for his or Karl Rove’s opinion on anything?

Michael Steele..Yezza Boss!

So Mikey sends out a fund raising letter attacking Obama after the people in his party told him to go after the man directly...In his letter Steele accused Obama of attempting to negotiate with "crackpots." As Steele said everyone knows you can’t negotiate with "crackpots."

Out of his own mouth....because if we can’t negotiate with "crackpots"....then why is anyone talking to the GOP and Michael Steele...........

Speaking of Crackpots...

This tea party movement....uh....saw the video....they really want to burn books? They really think that college brainwashes their kids?

No science.....no books.....no education......and they want to have tea parties.....hmmmmm!

I guess there is no point in me referring to George Orwell, or Brave New World, or Farenheit 451, The Handmaids Tale, or the Wizard of Oz, Animal Farm, The Bible, or the Talmud, or the Apocrypha or the Koran, huh?

Thinking about books and their impact upon me.....

All of em, that I read...but to name a few....

Moby Dick
A Tale of Two Cities
Peyton Place
James Bond...the original 13
Agatha Christie...all 80
To Kill A Mockingbird
A Handmaid’s Tale
PD James....all of em
Octavia Butler...rip....Black female fantasy writer...all of em..
HP Lovecraft....all of em
Edgar Alan Poe....all of em
The Lord of The Rings....when you had to wait for them to be published in America 1957-1960
Three Musketeers, Man in the Iron Mask...(found out Alexandre Dumas was black)
Sonnets from the Portugese...Elizabeth Browning was called "my little portugeses by her husband because she was "dark complected.") I like Robert, too...


  1. Oh, my, jesus. Seriously. Can we talk about the tea party movement? SRSLY.

    There's a fun thing out there ... somewhere ... where if 250,000 people show up on Wednesday than it's more than just a flash in the pan ... and all I can think of, "You've convinced 250,000 people to come out on a work day and protest job creation...

    ...maybe they need it more than you are telling them they do."


  2. Ms Chambers was the mom on the Ivory box.
    Pic here
