
Joe Deters Sucking on His Toes

Once Again with Foot Firmly Planted in Mouth...

Hamilton County Prosecutor just can’t seem to resist grabbing publicity at every opportunity. I guess not content that he hasn’t been in the news lately, decided to issue his two cents worth on Cincinnati’s latest crime wave.

Of course I’m talking about the murder of Esme Kenney, may she rest in peace.

But why wasn’t it a crime wave when the 14 year old was killed on Blair or the other woman died under similar circumstances in Avondale?

Why is it only now a crime wave?

Deters implied that the closing of the jails had something to do with her murder...as if the alleged killer would have been locked up and thereby unable to do what he did to that young girl.

Police may have been looking for him, but he was on the streets legally because the system...and I don’t mean the jail system....broke down...

Even if the Queensgate jail had been open, this guy would not have been locked up there or anywhere else.....

He was on the streets because he’d served his time....served his parole...legally....

He got kicked out of the halfway house because he started fighting another felon....

Those at the halfway house didn’t bother to alert his parole officer that he was becoming violent again, until days later and probably after he’d killed a couple more times...

For some reason....this guy snapped....his history shows that he is able to work the system...the problem is that when he does fall through a crack........ people get hurt or die...

There is a big problem with our system....when we lock them up... and after we release them.....they sometimes come back to haunt us....

But it did not happen because the jail was closed and the accused killer couldn’t be warehoused as Deters put it.....

We can’t keep warehousing people.....the more we just warehouse...the more violent some of them become....

Walking time bombs stalking our streets for prey.....

The judicial system, prison system, and post release system needs overhauling just like the government

Like it or not....out of sight....out of mind...is not the answer...


  1. Overhauling??? Who is going to do this???government???Obama??the Senate???
    They are all corrupt!

  2. Citizens Against Joe Deters10:13 PM, April 04, 2009

    Right on.

    We can't keep warehousing criminals and expect a different result.

    Joe Deters the part-time Prosecutor and full time Persecutor is a bigot and a crook.

    Citizens Against Joe Deters
