
Insulting Obama

Debate a talk show host?!

Rush Limbaugh, the hill billy heroin using, viagra popping, red light district cruising, 100 million dollar walking waste of oxygen....


Obama can’t bend down that low!

In his whole life Obama has never even accumulated that much dirt on the bottom of his shoes...

Rush and the rest of his crowd keep forgetting.....Obama won the election.....He can do whatever he wants to do...He don’t have to run it past Rush, the self proclaimed great white hope for old white men..

....He has to deal with "we" the people.....

The polls show that only 14% of Americans like Rush...that means 86% of us support Obama....I don’t even understand why anyone is bothering to even include this guy in the conversation except as a joke....

This is the second time in two weeks that the Gay Old Party of which Rush is a card carrying member....has insulted the President...

The first was Michael Steele....who wants to hip hop the Republicans....

Question....when was the last time you heard Obama use street language in order to get his point across? I don’t know how he talks among his friends..but I do know that when he talks to America, he comes correct....

Take a lesson Steele....What Steele said is racist....period....if the president were white...there would be absolutely no one putting GOP, hip hop and urban in the same sentence.

Hell, if truth be told....if Obama hadn't won the election...there would be no Michael Steele or Piyush Jindal being touted as the saviors of the GOP.

Steele insulted not only the President....but the rest of America as well...

Hey mikey...hey rush...apologize !


  1. Ooo, I'm a bout to insult some white folks and I'm sorry to do it here...delete it if you wish.

    But it's that age old idea - even the lowest class idiot white man is still supposed to be equal to the highest class black man. So regardless of the fact that Obama is President and Rush Limbaugh is nothing but a loudmouth racist, in the eyes of the GOP, they're on equal footing.

    Makes me want to pimp slap the taste out of Limbaugh's mouth. I'd gladly go to jail for the privilege. Him and Karl Rove.

  2. can I add Tom Delay to that pimp slap line, since the MSM has chosen to resurrect the great roach slayer yet again...now all they need to do is to sit down with a psychic and invite Strom and Jesse back to earth to join the party...

  3. What a completely uneducated post-

    This post is completely wrong and full of hate and anger!
    sandy toe

  4. Obama has no dirt under his shoes b/c he has done NOTHING!!!!! Our Founding Fathers would roll over in their grave...but I doubt you even know what they stood for!
