

What has happened to American Women’s tennis...there are only two Americans in the top ten in the World and both of them are named Williams...

Serena ranks number one

Venus ranks 5th

Venus also won Dubai this past weekend and she had to beat Serena along the way.

Work it, Girls!

The next ranked American after Venus is ranked 38th...after that it’s Jill Craybas at 89th...

And that’s it for the top 100


The one legged golfer aka Tiger Woods is back this week...This time the man has two good legs...Ought to be fun to watch...


I like Charles Barkley...I realize he has to do his time..
But he seems like such a happy drunk...
He’ll be okay..
One of the cooler guys in sports...
The Round Mound of Rebound..still is..

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