
Pre-State of the Union Address

Bold, Inspirational Strokes in Tough Times....

After listening to Bobby Jindal deliver the GOP response to Obama tonight....Obama’s biggest opponent in coming days, will be himself.

He made some mighty big promises tonight. It remains to be seen if he can deliver. Personally, I feel that he can...

The GOP response that Jindal gave was written before Obama took the podium. But, it may as well have been written 30 years ago for all that was said, because nothing new was said, by the thin brown hope from Louisiana.

Like his party, Bobby Jindal is dead on arrival. There was no warmth in his delivery. There was nothing that made you want to embrace him. In 37 years on earth, he hasn’t yet learned to smile with his eyes....

There is a coldness that comes from his eyes, that makes me uncomfortable.
His delivery almost makes me believe that zombies do exist in the voodoo land bayous of Louisiana, and one of them has made it to the governor’s mansion.

By the same token, Obamaville is alive and well and holding a tent revival on Capital Hill. The Repubs in the Chamber were trying to be cool..But their body language gave them away...

They actually like this guy....Even if they don’t agree with his politics....He makes them feel good and they can’t hide it....They smiled....they laughed...they applauded and they sought his autograph as he walked by....

Rather than trying to return this country to the politics and policies of failure...Maybe Jindal would be better off writing a speech to explain to the unemployed of Louisiana just why he is refusing stimulus money to extend their benefits...

And rather than go on TV to do it ....call everybody together in a town hall setting and tell them in person where he has to look them directly in their eyes....

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